
Resort jobs/ real estate

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My name is Sasha, live in Canada , would like to buy home in Bahamas and if i can have a job either in resort or casino or spa..or tourism.. if not then i have to find a high interest account where i can keep my funds so i can survive on high interest income.  I read on site that if one buys home in Bahamas you get a card that allows u enter/exit/stay.. but is there a minimum requirement on purchase for this ? how is housing market there ?  can u get a condo or house under 100k ? if not i would like to rent, and how much is one bedroom apt. rent there ? some young people say they do internet /web business, any one idea ? i would like to learn so i can live abroad.. also is it easy to get jobs at resort or casinos ? need info.. any info will appreciate.. thanks.. Sasha
my email:


Hi Sasha!

Welcome to!
That makes a lot of questions for one post :)
Maybe you should break into different topics.
I hope the members of the forum will help you out anyway ;)



Thanks.. i am new to this.. now i know.. tks sasha


Hi Sasha ...I am in a similar situation as you.... let me know if you get any responses

I want to run a boating based tourist business down there... but just don't know where to begin....

here are some of the questions I am trying to get answered :)

I have the ability $$$$ (within reason), I work for myself,  to possible buy something in the bahamas... and have always dreamed of doing so.. maybe not for permamanent residence, just part time....

what island do you want go to ? nassau, bimini exuma or...

most importantly why do you pick it? that is my hardest problem.. do I want a semi secluded , and cheaper place on an out island, or go with Nasssu where there is more activity.. but also more $$$...

what do you do regarding security when you aren't around? do you rent out your property when not using it?

are there taxes, fees , or whatever to come and go?

If I buy a "fixer upper" how available / more expensive are materials?

what is day to day life down there really, really like?



Hello Paul -> Maybe you should start a new thread on the Bahamas forum with your questions. I guess, this will allow better interaction. ;)

Thank you,