
Day care/nursery

arkar andre

Hello Everyone,

While we are looking for a lived-in nanny, someone from Expat Forum could recommend us a daycare/nursery in Yangon that would be great.

I still havent found a serviced apartment yet. My kids are starting to wear off the welcome from my relatives. If anyone of you could suggest me, even a 2 bedrooms house in a decent neghibourhood, I would be very interested.

Thank you in advance,

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Winston Paing

Hello Arkar,
I'm sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time at the moment. I have a palace in my listing. Please send me your email to ( and I'll send you the details. will block my listing to you as FREE AD NOT ALLOWED. Location of the house is near YIS(Yangon International School) in Thingangyun and reasonable rent. Must see the place first and don't take my word for it yet.
Best Regards,