I coming to the capital for 2 months

can someone update me about internet speeds can u get 5 mpbs  at least 

in london u hv 100 mbps  in my street  fibre optic or cable, last year was 16 mbps

i want rent apartment with internet  adsl router , not shared wifi.

i be heading there  july .

plus english speaking romanians be nice to meet up .

MAMAIA >>  any good news about the beaches / sea / pollution ..  how far is that from capital plz

car rental / train / bus

i coming from london

I have a 20 mbps ADSL connection from RomTelecom - actual speed maxes out about 16 mbps. I have a wifi modem which came with the package but I just use it as a regular modem as I have a desktop so it's wired in and the wifi disabled. It costs me about 20 quid a month including the land line subscription and some free minutes (can't remember how many but I rarely exceed them).

thks 4 info . much appreciated .

how long contract they make u sign  12/18months like uk???

I think it was a 2-year contract although it was some kind of special deal at the time. I think you can get one-year contracts too. After the two years are up it's renewed automatically on a yearly basis. You can quit before the two years are up but there is some kind of penalty to pay.

Looking at their site, seems you can get the net/phone packet for a bit less these days, like 12-15 Euro per month.