
Move and looking for job in poland


Hello my name is Christ i am planning to move to Poland next month,my concerned its about how to get job there,will go there as  tourist visa then hopefully will search for a job.Ive been working with hotel industry for the past 7 years.Is it hard to find a job there?i am from Indonesia,i need some advised please.


See also

Job offers in PolandInternship in PolandSetting up a business in PolandWork in PolandBecome a digital nomad in Poland

Hello Christ and welcome to!

Have you browsed through the different threads of the forum? It may help.;)

In the meantime, I suggest you to post an advert in the section Jobs in Poland.



[Moderated: Please communicate by PM]


Apa kabar Christ? I don't think it is a good idea to go to Poland on tourist visa and look for a job. Unemployment is very high and you would compete with Poles, who know Polish and have connections and basically every possible advantage over you.
Better to move to Poland only when you already have a job.
English is not that widely spoken in Poland, not to mention bahasa Indonesia, so communication will be a challenge for you. Also weather in the winter. Our summer might occasionally be as hot as Indonesian weather but that's only 3 months.
Oh, and import a stock of sambal to Poland. Our food is very mild. We don't like pedas ;-)
Good luck


hey polrad,Ive been searching for work too,and yes,i found it hard to find a job there.i dont speak polish just English.Where u from?