One day @ Helsinki !!

Hei All,
Later this month (25th Mar), I will be travelling through Helsinki and will halt for a day. I have a evening flight to catch, which actually leaves me with just half a day or lets say from 8am till 5pm. Considering this short duration, can some natives suggest a few must watch sites in the city, best way to navigate around or anything else I must know.

If a local/visitor wants to join me in this plan, I'd love to team up.


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get into town ASAP.
Take the metro EAST to Sörnäinen.
Ask how to get to KALLIO
Walk up the hill and enjoy the view over the city.
Walk down the hill in the direction of the city
Stop at the bottom of the hill in HÄKÄNIEMI and see the MARKET HALL and check LENIN'S OLD APARTMENT BUILDING
Keep walking towards town, over the bridges. Immediately after you cross the bridge hand LEFT and walk around KRUUNUHAKA and see all the beautiful Jugendstil houses.
From Kruunuhaka walk down to the harbour area taking in the SENATE SQUARE on the way. Here you'll see the big white CATHEDRAL up on the steps. Say a quick prayer, then head to the HARBOUR / MARKET AREA for a great bowl of fish soup. Oh.. You can also get great fish soup in the market hall in Häkäniemi.
Next, keep walking south and have a wander around EIRA and then start heading back to the railway station. I won't tell you which way to go, It's all fun round there and worth seeing.
If you're hungry I recommend you then get on a train to TIKKURILA. This will take you back out towards the airport - about 15 mins taxi ride. get yourself to the SAGARMARTHA Nepalese restaurant which is about 10-mins' walk from Tikkurila train station … nland.html

Order yourself a taxi to the airport. Should be about 12€ i guess.

Have fun!