Ooooh! The frustration of booking a train from abroad!

As per our previous posts we are booking a train from Mumbai to Gorakphur on the 22nd June. but trying to book it online is proving difficult, anyone know the best way?

There are many agents who do the bookings here as well. Let me know if you are in Mumbai so that I can send you the contact details of the concerned person.Thanks

Thanks for that Steve, we have a room booked for 4 nights and plan to leave on saturday at around 11am. There appears to be no-way to book online with India Rail as they do not accept credit cards. I believe there is a company in the UK that does so I will try that. Any Idea Steve how much a cab is from Mumbai international to the Fort area? Thanks again.

Hi, You can always try a bank transfer as well. It cost approx. about 300-400 INR. but it depends upon the traffic. Which hotel have you booked the nights? Regards..Steve

wheelrim wrote:

Any Idea Steve how much a cab is from Mumbai international to the Fort area? Thanks again.


and Airport to Fort will cost you around 20-25 USD Minimum

Cheers for the link, will give it a bash.

Not 20-25$ buddy.. Max to Max it will be $10

Cheers again. There was a recent TV programme whereby the average DAYS takings on a taxi in Mumbai was $15-20.

steve_dsilva wrote:

Not 20-25$ buddy.. Max to Max it will be $10

That might be for Local Indian with SUper Haggling Power !! :)