If you've applied for a Permanent Visa based on marriage or child read
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Thanks for the update! I'll be going to get mine in a couple of weeks in Recife! Let me know if there's anything I can do to provide helpful information.
Great James Exactly what I was looking for haha The Policia are still telling me that I cannot work (but I have my workbook and protocolo so I am working!!!)
Yes this is exactly what I have in my passport a little sticker with a bar code, the number 8----- 2013 ----
Than below they stamped permanancia and the decreto.
Thanks for the confirmation.
Dear William James Woodward,
is this protocol process when somone apply for marriage in brazil or it is after permission of marriage?
could you please define the difference between stable union and conjuge according the Brazilian law?
Hello Masood,
No, the protocolo is part of the application for a Permanent Visa / Registro Nacional de Estrangeiro (RNE) / Cédula de Identidade Estrangeiro (CIE) which are all done AFTER the marriage. The protocolo is essentially your receipt indicating the application has been made and the kind of application, for example "Permanência Definitiva com base em cônjuge brasileio(a)".
An application "com base em cônjuge brasileiro(a)" is based on a civil marriage performed in the Cartório de Registro de Pessoas Naturais.
An application "com base em união estável" is based on cohabitation / living together publicly as a couple for a minimum period of ONE YEAR the only difference is they are not married.
Either kind of application can be made by heterosexual or same-sex couples, there is no distinction.
For further information regarding the marriage process and subsequent application for Permanent Visa, documents required for both please see the following topic posting:
https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=280525 Cheers,
William James Woodward Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
Good news! I applied for the permanent visa on the basis of marriage to a Brazilian at the Brazilian Consulate in Chicago with my American marriage certificate. Once that was approved and I got the VIPER and nice large piece of paper inserted into my passport I was able to take care of almost everything else at the airport PF locations (as well as Correios). Besides paying the GRU before getting to the airport, I got my Registro Permanente, Protocolo Para Retirada de Certidão de Estada Legal, and we went to Receita Federal to pick up my CPF.
I think the Protocolo Para Retirada de Certidão de Estada Legal is what I need (in conjunction with my CPF, 2 photos, passport/permanent visa) to get my carteira de trabalho. It sounds like also should bring my marriage certificate. Should I have my US marriage certificate translated? I noticed on the MTE site that I need a SINCRE #. Is the SINCRE the same as the Protocolo Para Retirada de Certidão de Estada Legal or is what I have sufficient without the SINCRE?
We have filled out the Formulário de Registro de Casamento but haven't gone through that process yet with the Brazilian Consulate. Does that change anything?
It seems like the 15 day wait for the Protocolo Para Retirada de Certidão de Estada Legal is for the CIE. Does that seem correct or does it seem like they trying to have me wait for the SINCRE? It was toward the end of the day so they kind of rushed us out the door. They said that whatever is issued is only good for 6 months starting from the date of issue.
Thanks again for your help!
Just an update. I thought I would go to the MTE in Recife to check with them. The things I had below were enough for them. They didn't even ask for a marriage certificate. Here is what they looked for:
Protocolo Para Retirada de Certidão de Estada Legal
2 photos
passport/permanent visa
proof of residence (we used a credit card statement with my wife's name on it... last name not changed, mind you)
All in all, this was surprisingly easy. We went yesterday (Friday) and they said to come pick it up on Tuesday.
One other note is that we were told by some folks at another location of the MTE that only handles these for locals that we had to be there at 7:30 to get numbers for this. That was not the case because it is for estrangeiros. Here is the location we needed to go to from their site:
Posto: Campo G. (DRT)
Thanks again for all of the help! It's great to have the resources here!
Hi Jota 23,
Yes, the MTE is much easier to deal with than the Policia Federal, they seem to really have their stuff together.
You're right, foreigners can only obtain their Carteira de Trabalho through the Regional Superentendency of the Ministry of Trabalho. They're the only one that deals with foreigners.
Glad everything went well for you and that soon you'll have all your documents in order. Cheers,
William James Woodward Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
Though my question not relating title. This is regarding Permanent Visa on investment Basis.
Is this Investment could be buying your own property? and should be up-front investment or one can buy a flat or condo which is under develop and its price is suppose 1,50,000 and you do not need to pay up front but in installments and on the basis of the contract done an initial amount paid you can apply for permanent residence??
Good morning deer Wiliam,
I write this message cause i'am in the same situation of Dina (pseudo brazzavie ).
I am married with a Brazilian and I make my permanant process at PF in Fabuary this year, they already visit me to validate and transfer my Process at Brazilia.
Since Fabuary I am working with CLT in a French firm, but it will be another contract that they manage to do, a expatriation one (French contract). But for this, they need to reach a "Pro Labore" status and name me like a "Administrador" in the firm, BUT they told me that it is not possible without my RNE! I am waiting since April that the CNIg validate my Process, that I can ask for my RNE.
Do you think it is the correct way? or the already can turn me "administrador" and make a 'Pro Labore" contract?
Thank you.
Thanks for all the insightful comments. It has been very helpful.
I have a question for anyone who can help out. My wife and I are both Canadians, and just had a Brasileiro. He has a birth certificate now, so now we want to get his passport and get our permanent visas.
For the passport, it seems pretty simple, a picture, the parents have to sign a document and the birth certificate, oh and of course the fee. Is there anything else?
For the permanent visas, again pretty simple, need a official translator to translate our official Canadian documents (Birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc) and they need to be notarized.
I am wondering how do we declare the child to be dependent on us. Is this just a simple letter stating this exact thing? And do we need to fill the application online or do we receive it from the federal police.
Thanks for the help.
Hello Odan,
from my experience, no property doesn't count. It has to be in a business, either your own or in an existing one. If you invest less than R$150,000, you need to show how many people you will employ in 5 years. If you invest more than R$150,000 then you are okay.
Hi Everyone,
I depoisted my application on May 13 and the immigration came to visit me at the end of May. Ever since I check online but when I enter my processo number it says that it cannot be found. myabe I am not checking on the right wbsite. Can anyone send me the link where you check the procees of your application?
Thank you all for your help.
No, you're not doing anything wrong. Your process will probably be delayed for quite some time with the Policia Federal in Brasília. They take forever to review it and then pass it along to the Ministério da Justiça who will make the final decision.
It will not appear on the Ministério da Justiça website "consulta processo" until the Federal Police have sent it along to them and it has been registered in their system. Until that time it will continue to come back "Processo não encontrado", this is normal. It can take up to two years or more for the process to be completed, you have to have the patience of Job.
http://portal.mj.gov.br/data/Pages/MJ1C … PTBRIE.htm
You must enter the process number exactly as it appears on your protocolo with all the dots, foreslashes and hyphens. Once it has been registered in the Ministry of Justice computer system it will appear in the online search and only then can you track the progress. Cheers,
William James Woodward, Brazil & Canada Expert - Expat-blog Team
No, the federal government closed that loophole. You can no longer use real property (not even intended to produce rental income) to qualify for investor visas. Too many people abused it in the past. Cheers,
William James Woodward, Brazil & Canada Expert - Expat-blog Team
Hi BrasilCanada,
First off, you can only apply for your VIPER Permanent Visa com base em filho brasileiro INSIDE BRAZIL. Once you've done so you will get a protocol. You are then permitted to remain in Brazil while the process of permanency completes. The catch is you MUST remain in Brazil until it completes, you are only permitted to leave the country for up to 90 days at a time until you actually have the VIPER visa. Once granted then you can be out of the country for up to two years without losing your permanent status. So if you don't intend to take up permanent residence in Brazil right now, then DO NOT APPLY FOR THE VIPER NOW. You can apply at a later date should you decide to move here permanently.
As a fellow Canuck I am speaking from personal experience. Also for legal reasons you are going to require both a Brazilian Passport and Canadian Passport for your child. He/she will require the Brazilian Passport to exit and to enter Brazil and will need the Canada Passport to exit and enter Canada. Since he/she is born in Brazil you will also need to obtain a Certificate of Citizenship from Canada. You can do this through the Canadian Consulate that serves the area of Brazil you're in.
Any further information you need don't hesitate to send me a PM. Cheers,
William James Woodward, Brazil & Canada Expert - Expat-blog Team
Thank you WJ,
Yes we are living in Recife right now, heading down south to a smaller town. We had plans to get the investor visa, but my wife was pregnant and made more sense to apply for the permanent visa from a brazilian baby, because it is endless, the investor has to be renewed.
Thanks for the other tips. I had no idea about entering and exiting Canada. I hope this is an easy process for us.
Another thing to be aware of your child will always be (first and foremost) a Brazilian citizen while in Brazil despite any other citizenship. That means he/she will be subject to mandatory conscription in the military at 18, mandatory vote, etc. Also you will need to observe all the Brazilian laws when travelling with a minor child. If you travel together (mom & dad) then there is no problem, you only need produce the ORIGINAL birth certificate. If only one parent travels with the child (interstate or internationally) you require not only the original BC but also an authorization to travel notarized in the Cartório from the other parent. Cheers,
William James Woodward, Brazil & Canada Expert - Expat-blog Team
WJ, do I have to apply online first - if so, where do I apply for a permanent visa, when applying through a brazilian child? Thanks
Quick question - do I apply by myself on behalf of my family, or do I need to apply, my wife needs to apply, and my other children need to apply?
I noticed on the document that the declaration of criminal status and the economic dependence is included in the new application. Just need 3 other documents,
1 - child's birth certificate (brazilian)
2 - passports
3 - payment
Any thoughts on how many applications I need? Thanks
Hi BrasilCanada,
You and your wife will have to apply separately, but the documents will probably all be received by the Federal Police in one common file (probably with different process numbers). As far as your other children, if they are minors then either you or your wife can apply on their behalf. If they are over the age of majority they will need to file separately. Cheers,
William James Woodward, Brazil & Canada Expert - Expat-blog Team
was just browsing these sites about information on permanent visa/ Brazilian Id card and was surprised/shocked to see that it is only valid for 2 years!!(if I leave Brazil) Im on the verge of getting my ID card as my spouse is Brazilian and my son was born in Brazil.
Is there any way for me to gain true permanency as a Brazilian citizen as I have family in the UK and would like my son to study there for several years, and quite frankly dont want to go through the mountains of red tape again!
Having invested time and money in Brazil I feel somewhat cheated by the system as this 2 year rule seems quite harsh. If there really is no way to stay longer I will definitely look at selling my assets here and sending back to the UK when the exchange rate is more favourable, but hopefully can avoid this if someone can advise me.
Someone else can confirm but my understanding is that you can just visit Brazil and that keeps your validity going (along with making sure your RNE doesn't expire).
philstar78 wrote:Ola,
was just browsing these sites about information on permanent visa/ Brazilian Id card and was surprised/shocked to see that it is only valid for 2 years!!(if I leave Brazil) Im on the verge of getting my ID card as my spouse is Brazilian and my son was born in Brazil.
Is there any way for me to gain true permanency as a Brazilian citizen as I have family in the UK and would like my son to study there for several years, and quite frankly dont want to go through the mountains of red tape again!
Having invested time and money in Brazil I feel somewhat cheated by the system as this 2 year rule seems quite harsh. If there really is no way to stay longer I will definitely look at selling my assets here and sending back to the UK when the exchange rate is more favourable, but hopefully can avoid this if someone can advise me.
Hello Phil,
Except under exceptional circumstances such as being hospitalized or other event that is out of your control, once you have Permanência Definitiva you can only be outside of Brazil for two years. Any longer than that your permanency is revoked. This is not to say that you can't apply to have it re-instated, because you certainly can do so without having to go through all the process again. The easiest way however to retain your permanent resident status is to return to Brazil for a visit every two years. What will determine the retention of your permanent status are the entry and exit stamps on your passport.
I'm not sure about how it works with citizenship, but perhaps lawyer_rio can give you a more definite answer. My guess it that once you have naturalized that 2 year restriction disappears.
William James Woodward, Brazil & Canada Expert, Expat-blog Team
hello i just want to know that before one year i apply for permanent visa but till now i didn't get i want to know what the processor of federal police
http://portal.mj.gov.br/data/Pages/MJ1C … PTBRIE.htm (use Internet Explorer ONLY)
Type your protocolo number (exactly as it appears with . / - included) in the box and then click "CONSULTAR"
If it has already been received by the Ministry of Justice and registered then it will show up in the next window.
If it comes back "não encontrado" it means that it hasn't been registered yet.
It takes forever for any action.
Living in this country is like watching the old movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still", or watching a horror movie in slow motion 24 hours a day.
When dealing with the Policia Federal, just remember the famous line from the movie.....
"Gort, klaatu barada nikto", repeat it to yourself over and over. Both the phrase and the Federal Police will remind you of "The Day the Earth Stood Still."
Hi William,
I wanted to know if by any chance there is a way to obtain my RNE while awaiting for my permanencia to be accpeted?
Thank you for your help.
Hi Johanna,
The RNE number itself should either appear on the protocolo you've received from the Policia Federal. If not it should be available from them. You should go back to where you applied to see if they will give it to you. In the meantime your protocolo is all you really need for identification purposes.
What you really are talking about is the Cédula de Identidade Estrangeiro (CIE) which you cannot apply for until you receive the registered letter or computer confirmation that your VIPER has been granted, then you have 90 days in which you must present yourself to the Policia Federal to register for the CIE.
William James Woodward - Brazil & Canada Expert, Expat-blog Team
Dear William,
I do not have a protocolo I have a stamp in my passeport with a bar code and my processo number.
Dear Willianm,
Thank you for helping us with legal information.
My question is I had my protocol from Policia Federal in DF, Brasilia and I am currently in Bahia, Do I have to go back to Brasilia to renew my protocol or I can do that here Salvador, Bahia at the Policia federal. If yes which department?
First of all a very important piece of information for you and all foreigners!!!
It is required by law that you register any change of address with the Policia Federal within 30 days of moving. If you haven't done that already you must do so right away. You need two photos (3X4) and a proof of new address, they will generate a protocolo for the change of address.
Once you've done that you can get the Policia Federal to stamp your visa protocolo with the "prorrogação". The address change will also make sure that the process and any documents issued to you in the future will go to the Salvador office of the Policia Federal for you to collect rather than Brasilia.
I have applied for permanent visa lasy year in April, So far I didn't recieve any response . No visit so far nothing . Can any one tell me how I will know staus of my visa or where I need to send email for ask this ??????
My friend from Manaus Shakeel already asked abouthis visa its about 15 months from the day he applied , Federal Police didn't do any visit so far in his home.is there any solution any suggestion ? Please let me know....
Until the Federal Police conduct the home visit (sindicância) the process is at a complete standstill. Following that it will be forwarded to the Ministry of Justice for analysis, where it will be an even longer delay. Get used to it, the process is now taking two years or more because of all the Haitian and Syrian refugees arriving in the country who get bumped to the front of the waiting list causing even greater delays for all the rest of us. This is why I'm contemplating a Class Action lawsuit against the Policia Federal, Ministério da Justiça and Conselho Nacional de Imigração. The situation becomes more intolerable every day.
William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team
thanks... you think if you will file a suit this will work ??? if will work I think every foreigner who is tired from this lazy behaviour of federal police will be in and will help you and first 1 will be me.
thanks again.
Hello Mr. Waraich,
Marriage with a Brazilian girl is better in Pakistan or in Brazil on tourist visa ? If I marry with her in Brazil on tourist visa then will i get the visa extension after marriage or will I have to leave Brazil to apply for residency/family reunion visa?
Please guide
Good day to all,
I have looked over the forum to make sure I do not make a post and the answer is somewhere else that I am asking so I apologize if I missed it. I am an American, I work in Brazil for 8 years now. I am married to a Brazilian for 3 years now. She lives in US with me and came here under the K1 visa. At this point with my work it is becoming harder and harder to get the work visas and tourist visas so I am trying to get my permanent visa. I have read so many contradicting sites on how to do this. I have a CPF , RNE card. Like I said, been working there for 8 years through the company I work with which is US based. So I would appreciate any help in regards to the process, headaches, tips and such. Also if anyone needs advice about the K-1 visa please do not hesitate to ask me as I can help with your process and issues for when your spouse arrives in US. Thanks
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