
Salary in Warsaw.


I am in discussion with Poland company HR on my Salary. Can you please guide me what is minimum salary should I get by considering below things -

1. 10 Years of exp. in IT.
2. Family of 3 Members
3. International School fee of 1 kid
4. Rent + Monthly grocery

After considering above expenses, I am expecting to get saving of at least 8000 PLN every month.

See also

Job offers in WarsawWork in WarsawInternship in PolandSetting up a business in PolandWork in Poland

Can anyone please reply to this post.




overall, wages in warsaw tend to be low, so you may need to lower your expectations (i had to)

i've heard the average salary in warsaw is around 1500PLN monthly, so with your experience my rough guess would be 3500?? but it's hard to say...

good luck!



As senior level, you can expect salary around PLN 20000 per month but after taxes you will have around 13-14K in hand.

Stay - 2000 PLN per month
Food - 2000 PLN
Study for kid - can be expensive 1500 PLN per month

If you are thinking to save 8K per month then I guess you should go for 22-24K salary.

Let me know the employer or any more questions you have.



The nationwide average gross monthly salary in Poland is PLN3,700. In the Mazowieckie regiom, where Warsaw is located, it is PLN4,600. In the regions where it is lowest, including the Lubuskie region, it averages PLN3,100.

(Figures from GUS, Poland's statistical office)

At the end of the day, Warsaw can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be. If you want to live centrally in a modern apartment, eat out a lot and send your child to the American/British/Montessori schools then it is going to be expensive.


If you want to be saving 8K zloty a month after expenses with 3 people family then your salary needs to be in region of 20K or small bit more.
20K is a lot, it's of course possible for senior managers etc.
You have 10 years exp in IT, but as who? Not every IT job is paid the same. 20K zloty brutto per month is quite a lot in Poland, even for highly specialized IT role. Most IT people I know in Poland with couple years exp. too earn about 4-10 K zloty. There are always some exceptions, but I talk realistically for everyone (let's skip people who are either super clever or super lucky :-)


I work as a design engineer in Warsaw (I am Polish) and I know a lot of IT guys. Salaries strongly depend on the company. Most of the IT people I know have around 5 yrs of experience and they earn around 5000-6000 PLN gross. So I think that for 10 yr of experience they should pay around 7000-8000 PLN gross.


There is a myth that in Warsaw the salaries are high (I can assure you Krakow or Wroclaw pay maybe even better).
Secondly the Polish IT professionals are sought after and very well recognized. The pay of an experienced IT professional would be  between 5K-10K gross per month.
Unless you are on executive level you will most likely not make more than 12K gross.
Not sure how senior your position is but looking at your expectations (grocery money??) I am not sure you would be an attractive option to bring on board. The Polish market has a lot of local talent, don't underestimate that factor


Interedting topic


as an IT Engineer in Warsaw after 4 years work, i can confirm that the salary for you can be between 8000 and 11000 pln / NETTO per month...


Hi all,

Hope someone can help.
I am in the midst of discussing a new job opportunity in Wroclaw, this will means relocating my family from Asia to Poland.
I did some research on salary ranges but find the information limited. Please do advise if you know what an average salary will be for an expat in Wroclaw? The apartments I had viewed ranges between 3400-4000 PLN a month however I can't find information on car & petrol, cleaning service etc cable services, internet cost.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you


Dear All,

Would you kindly let me know, A mid level PHP developer or Web develoer, Can get an opportunity to work with any  IT company in Poland....? Because i am planning to move there. Thanking you in advance.


I have been offered a role of UX Designer in Lublin, Poland. I have 3 years of experience and they offered Basic Salary of 3000 Zloty. Which is around $800 and lower than I expected. Do you think Designer's salary in Poland is this low?


Poland has incredibly talented and skilled programmers. I do not think any domestic firms will be willing to pay such an amount, since the market is saturated with homegrown talent. As far as foreign entities go, they are here for primarily one reason — to get high quality labor for ridiculously low cost. The IT profession is not the only one where this applies; it applies across all fields. It is a problem for the Polish government to solve. There has been enough prostituting of the skilled Polish workforce to draw foreign companies that pay peanuts. For now, I think you need to move (or stay and lower your unrealistic expectations).


jozef1977 wrote:

Poland has incredibly talented and skilled programmers. I do not think any domestic firms will be willing to pay such an amount, since the market is saturated with homegrown talent.

Hi there,

You mentioned the exactly right thing "Talent" which is really a lack in Polish administration. Talented people are skipping from Poland every year to do any odd job to earn a decent sum.

Those who are making money here in Poland and having luxurious life; either they inherited wealth from family or Ruining a stabilize business or a relatives of a politician or Government bodies or Lawyer or Bailiff "Komornik". 

Talented people are having that much respect that either they are not getting a low profile job after having University degrees or they are working any where with a basic salary where their education is not evaluated ( Such as cashier in grocery shop, waitress, cleaner, salesperson ) in Poland.

I don't want to tell more just want to say " In technology Poland are far behind so Ten year experience in IT is too much for here."

Thank you


In technology Poland are far behind so Ten year experience in IT is too much for here."

What basis do you have for such a statement?
Far behind who? Ten years?

I suggest you get educated on the IT/programming field in Poland before making statements. For example, ComArch is the leader of IT solutions in Europe. If you are into gaming, then you would know about Poland's prestigious position in the field ( … em-better/). 
If you consider the USA and its worldwide embarrassment with the Obamacare website, I think that they should have engaged the help of some Polish high school students. 


Moderated by Christine 8 years ago
Reason : inappropriate content

Hello everyone,

Some off topic posts have been removed from this thread. Please avoid arguments on the forum. We are all here to help, give useful information.

@Zibonn > Do you have any questions? You may start a new thread on the Warsaw forum as this one has been launched since 2013.  I wish you good luck in your job search ;)



You can count on high salary if u want to stay in Warsaw. If other cities- not really.