Team football 11 vs 11

Hello everybody,

I want know if they have team in Chiang Mai for play 11 vs 11 with a coach or manager ?

Actually i play football Semi professional in Swiss and i want find a team in chiang mai thank you for reply . I know they have chiang mai fc but they don't need the news player .

Hi everyone , im heading over to Chaing -Mai in Oct/Nov this year . I am a qualified  coach ex prof goalkeeper looking to find avenues to coach in . I will be working / volunteering with a charity Ambassadors in sport , but looking to earn a little while there . I will be there for 6 months to start with hoping to make the jump a year or so later if i can sort the coaching side out ... Any advise would be gratefully received. Thanks Phil

philburns66 wrote:

Hi everyone , im heading over to Chaing -Mai in Oct/Nov this year . I am a qualified  coach ex prof goalkeeper looking to find avenues to coach in . I will be working / volunteering with a charity Ambassadors in sport , but looking to earn a little while there . I will be there for 6 months to start with hoping to make the jump a year or so later if i can sort the coaching side out ... Any advise would be gratefully received. Thanks Phil

but looking to earn a little while there

Phil if you mean working for money then you may encounter a problem relating to your volunteer status(I assume your NGO will provide you with the right visa)and lack of work permit.

Hi i have been advised to get a 60 day visa to start with but was going to go to the Thai embassy in London just to check . What should i be asking for ?

philburns66 wrote:

Hi i have been advised to get a 60 day visa to start with but was going to go to the Thai embassy in London just to check . What should i be asking for ?

Hi Phil I copied this from the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs site which answers your question.(the bold is by me)

Q:An NGO in Thailand has invited me to go there and work for them as a volunteer for 45 days during my school break. I will not earn any money in Thailand. I am a Belgian college student in Brussels.

I understand that I do not need a visa, do I?

A:Although you will work as a volunteer, you do need a Non-Immigrant visa as well as the Work Permit. The NGO must be legally registered with the Thai authority, and that you need a recommendation letter from the NGO for your visa application and the Work Permit.

Here is a link to the site: Thai MFA Bangkok

1. So yes you will need to visit a Thai embassy or consulate.

2. Ambassadors in sport should be aware of the requirements and provide you with the necessary letter of invitation.

3. You refer to a 60 day visa in your response. 60 days sounds like a tourist visa.........BAD advice if it does refer to a tourist visa and what they are suggesting would be illegal if it were so.

Thanks for the quick response . Best i get along to the embassy asap to check out exactly what i require ...

I will be asking more questions ref living accommodation / lifestyle in Chaing - mai over the coming months

Cheers Phil