
Need Accommodation near Malaga URGENT


Hi there, my name is Eddie and I am from Sligo Ireland but currently living in Antequera,Malaga. I have a Spanish girlfriend with a 10year old daughter who live with her parents and I have been given notice to move from my current house because the place is being sold. I have a realativly new website [Moderated: No free ad pls] which I need more time to advertise and get up and running but meantime I am in need of help? If you have a place which needs work done on it in exchange for a place to stay or any other proposal which would mean I didnt have to pay rent in advance, please contact me? I would also be interested in renting a place if the owner is flexible over payments?
Thanks for any help in advance.....Eddie

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in MalagaAccommodation in SpainAccommodation in SevilleChoosing your neighbourhood in Madrid

I need accommodation urgent near Malaga. Can you help?


Hello Eddie.

Welcome to the forum! :)

The Housing in Malaga section could help. You should post an advert there.

Article -> Accommodation in Spain.

Thank you,