
American Expat living in Salerno, interested in friends and cooking


Greetings all!

I'm an American expat originally from Montana living in Salerno and working in the area.  I am here with my Italian girlfriend.  We're interested in meeting English speaking friends for fun (BBQing, cooking/eating "exotic" foods and going out for drinks).

We're in our early 30s and would like a chance to hang out with expats now and then.  We're not interesting in hanging out with religious missionaries (sorry).



See also

Living in Italy: the expat guideAmerican in Salerno ISO English speaking friends!English speaking Doctor SalernoHairstylist positionHello sir I from India currently Armenia

Hello Michael.

Welcome to! :)



Hello Michael, are you still in Salerno? :) I am English and my partner is Italian and I'm looking for English/Italian speaking friends. xx



My original post is a bit outdated, my partner and I are now married and my Italian is much better now.   In fact, I even have an Italian driver's license and experience with local bureaucracy.  We're also late in our thirties now ;)

We are still in Salerno and we are always looking for new international friends.  If you'd like, we could meet up sometime for coffee/drinks/dinner and discuss living in Italy.  Generally, we prefer to head to Centro Storico for fun (we live just above that area) but we're open to traveling to other areas for good food and company.

Cheers and have a great new year!,



Congratulations on your marriage and trust you've settled here well! What brings you to Italy other than family? Where in America are you from? What do you two do for work here?

Well, we're not actually moving to Italy (not yet anyway) but we do try to spend as much time as we can here due to my partners family living here.

We're expecting our second child this February, and as such I'll be back here this summer (May- Sept) with my two Daughters (3 years old and 3 month old). Our 3 year old will attend school here and I'll be attend Italian classes, the gym (to get my body back) and I would like to meet some new friends.

My partner and I are 33 & 35 and are well travelled and diverse. We also love to eat... :)

We're here currently but off to Rome on 3rd till 8th.

Maybe we can arrange a meet up on our return? And when I'm not so heavily pregnant! :)


Thank and congratulations to you!

My wife and I are both research scientists working on plans.  We work in Portici and commute because we very much prefer Salerno as a place to live.  She works for the National Research Council (CNR) and I work for the University of Naples.

Some of the language schools for Italian are pretty dodgy from my experience.  I had a really good experience at .  They helped me get a basic level of Italian very quickly.

Although we travel a lot, I don't think we have any plans to go abroad for an extended period this year, so we should be in Salerno most of the time.

When you're free and in town, send me a message and we can go out for a coffee or a pint.  Just let us know!




I realize this thread is a bit old, but I am curious on how things are going? My husband is from the Benevento area, and I am a dual-citizen (USA/Indiana). We moved back to the states nearly 10 years and four kids ago. We would like to move to the coast as his parents are aging, and we love for the good life.
How did your kids assimilate? Ours are fairly small (oldest is 7), but I have concerns about the transition. Any tips on finding employment? I am a pharma research supply chain manager/ PM now.
Thanks all!


Hi Michael

I've been living in the UK for years and now I'm in Salerno with my partner. We're in our 30s too, we would love to hang out with you guys for food and /or drinks!

Shall we arrange a meet up if you're still in Salerno?
