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Did you two plan on this adventure together? It has to be comforting knowing someone to travel with. Are you as complete as drmoni with your application?
Hey Egus,
yes we did a live scan, but the results were immediate. You log on to a web site, print them out and then upload to your recruiter. quick and easy, cost $50.00.
flimbric and I are best friends and have worked together for over 1o years. her heart is in high school, mine in middle, but we share similar visions.
i sure hope we all get to collaborate and work together.
How cool is that? Do you two plan on doing this for a just the duration of the contract or do you have designs on returning and picking up where you left off? For me, if I'm accepted, I don't have any plans to return anytime soon. If allowed to extend I will...if not...then off to another one of the qulf countries. I'd like to try Egypt and Qatar. Collaborating would definitely be in order. I plan on spending any off time taking in the culure and what it has to offer and get in some scuba diving.
I think you and I are in the same boat. My children are adults so I have no real rush nor desire to get back to the states. I plan to let life take me where it may...
We'll see. But we love to travel so maybe we can plan some awesome adventures together. It seems like the expats travel a lot when they are off. That was one of the perks for us.
Traveling is a definite perk...a working adventure if you will. Now it's just hurry and wait. Tell you what, I'll translate Arabic for you guys if you don't speak it.
Wow, are you fluent? We have been trying to learn basic communication. I think it will allow us to put into perspective the struggle our students will face learning English. Did you take classes?
I was born in egypt but grew up here.
hi egus, just wanted to give you an update, I received an email requesting that i send a color scanned copy of my authenticated documents for visa requirments. Where are you in the process?
Hi flimbric,
Thanks for the update. I'm waiting for Proex to finish authenticating...should have them next week hopefully and then I'll send them along to my recruiter. Still haven't heard anything officially from ADEC though. I've had to fill out a couple of forms required by ADEC. One form was asking for regular info (DOB, nationality, religion, passport number, relatives, etc...) the other asked as to my departure city, repatriation city, airport code and other minor information. When I spoke to the recruiter as to a timeline, he said that prospective administrators have to "jump through more hoops" than teachers and that they (ADEC) are currently working on filling teacher vacancies. So I'm still in a holding pattern and waiting.
Oh good they are moving along then. The information u recently filled out was part of the necessary papereork for the interview process with teac. Away
I suppose it's the hurry up and wait game then. Are you're documents with your recruiter now or with ADEC?
another week...nothing new...still waiting.
Hey there,
Actually I was contacted earlier this week and told that I passed the final screening process and that my contract will be arriving within the next two weeks. I had to send an email stating that I was still interested. I am to expect my contract wihtin the next two weeks.
Thats fantastic news!! Did Flimbric get an email as well?
Hi drmoni and flimbric,
I spoke with a principal there (this is his first year) and was told that although he interviewed for a vp position, ADEC offered and asked for him and the other five vp candidates if they would assume principal positions in the contract. Two did..the others decided to stick with being vp's. This isn't to say that ADEC is going to do that this time...but there is that possibility. As for living quarters...single people get two bedroom flats (non shared), Salary...I'd rather mention in private.
Hi Egus,
Thanks for the update. We are both principals now, so a principalship is certainly an optioin. Have you heard anything from your recruiter? I hope we all arrive at the same time. Did your friend mention an earlier start date than August; that would be awesome too. I like the idea of a two bedroom. Do we get to select its location (of course after we get our school location).
I haven't heard anything from my recruiter as of yet but I'm hoping soon...i'm getting anxious. He left in they're keeping the same can assume an August departure. I believe that teachers don't have an initial option but admin does. Was it TA that contacted you saying that you'd passed the final screening? Was there some form of initial offer or is it just wait for the contract?
It was TA. They said to expect the contract within two weeks.
Flimbric hasn't heard anything yet? Are you beginning to get rid of things yet?
Yes, we both got the same email. We've been purging our homes like crazy!
I've been doing that also. I'm pretty much done and have one big small...and a hanging case for suits. Strange how you can fit your life into four bags. I hope I get selected to join you two. I'd love to do some traveling in Europe.
Hello everyone,
I'm not a principal but I'm an English Medium Head of Faculty in the Al Gharbia region. I've been here for 3 years and if you have any questions about what's really like here on the ground I'd be happy to share any information. What you've been told about the principals needing training is so very true and I'm so happy ADEC is adding seasoned professionals to the administrative teams !
Hi Korbie,
Thank you for the offer of information. Is there anything you feel we should know prior to arriving? Anything we should pack to make life easier?
I've downloaded the talkatone app to my iphone. It allows you to call US and Canadian phones for free (it's internet based). Internationally, you can call another person if they also have talkatone. I also use Tango for the same thing. I figure it's better to have a couple of freebies for communication rather than incur nice big charges.
Hi Korbie, yes please tell us all about your life in UAE..what is shopping for food like, do you go to a salon do get your hair done? Are you there alone/dependents? Did you have a choice of regions? who did you initially interview with? Would you continue contract and stay longer?
Hi egus, I am sure you will hear something soon. As you know both drmoni and I have been contacted to let us know that our contracts should arrive in about two weeks. As we anxiously await, we are purging the heck out our homes. Packing an entire house down to suitcases is nerve wrecking, but I am extremely ready for this next phase of my life. I hope we can all meet when we arrive, it would be great to share stories in person.
egus wrote:Hi Korbie,
Thank you for the offer of information. Is there anything you feel we should know prior to arriving? Anything we should pack to make life easier?
Anything we should pack to make life easier? I would pack whatever is dear to you because between the millions of malls in Abu Dhabi and Dubai you can buy anything else. For example, my former HoF loves to cook so she packed her favorite cooking utensils.
Is there anything you feel we should know prior to arriving? In terms of daily living-go to Ace Hardware which is located at the Zayed Port and buy a shower filter if you value your hair and skin. The water here is terrible and the weather extremely hot at the time you'll be arriving in August. Also if you don't love Ikea be prepared to start loving it lol. Honestly most of us have Ikea homes because it's the closest thing to what you'll find at home(the US for me). Now in terms of work-be prepared not to arrive in August, though ADEC has been better about that. Be prepared to be understaffed till at least Decemeber or all year long. Coming from the US and not in the leadership team there, the school improvement plan document we use was new to me since it's lifted directly from the UK as well as the Irtiqa'a document. I can provide you with copies if you would like, just to get up to speed. Insider tip, the role of the HoF has been the workhorse, at least in the Al Gharbia region, for some time since many schools had principals and vps(if at all) who did not understand the first thing about best practices. We HoFs are accustomed to having alot of say as a result so it may be a balancing act for you new VPs as well as principals. Make nice with your HoF if they've been at the school from the previous year because there's a good chance the AMTs trust them(if they have a good relationship). ADEC stands for All Decisions Eventually Change especially if you're coming in as a cycle 2 or 3 administrator. This coming school year will be their first time officially using the New School Model. More often than not your deadline for a task will be 15min after they send the I'm not exaggerating. Oh and be prepared to motivate staff members who are "too tired" to work or who do not want or maybe not know how to collaborate across disciplines.
flimbric2 wrote:Hi Korbie, yes please tell us all about your life in UAE..what is shopping for food like, do you go to a salon do get your hair done? Are you there alone/dependents? Did you have a choice of regions? who did you initially interview with? Would you continue contract and stay longer?
For the most part life here has been great. Though it's far from me I love popping up to Dubai to partake in the UAE's favorite pasttime, after shopping that is, Brunch! It's a whole event here lol. There's really alot to see and do here. Honestly those who are placed outside of the city tend to see more than those who aren't mostly 'cause we need city amenities every once in a while. If you love to dance, salsa or the like there're are classes at the Hilton every Monday night I believe. If you love fishing lots of people go to Fujairah or even Abu Dhabi. If you like outdoor activities there are lots of opportunities between November and March. Concerts from all over the world and all genres. There's also Beats on the Beach every year for Yasalam part of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. If you get a chance you must attend and Emarati wedding. It's an all night experience. Shopping for food can be a pain depending on where you are. If you're located in the city then life is good 'cause you'll have Spinney's at your disposal. Spinney's has a Non-Muslim section in the back where you can get food that is not considered halal-pop tarts, Jiffy corn bread mix, pork etc. There are also organic food markets in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. I do my own hair at home. I have a salon style hair dryer that I purchased in Dubai and I purchase products from home as well as here. I live in Ghayathi which is in the Al Gharbia( the empty quarter or Western region) and I've been here all 3 years and while I've heard some teachers go to the Danat resort here to get their hair cut more go to the city. There are tons of choices in Abu Dhabi and Dubai for all hair types/styles. I'm single with no dependents. I had no choice in my placement. I remember receiving my placement and Jane telling me "It's a very difficult place to live. Try it and if you hate it we'll move you." I cried literally I cried but it turned out to be the best placement ever. The only big issue we have out here is housing. In the far west(I'm an hour from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) there's not enough housing. So if you're placed out west what you're told about housing is VERY different from what may actually be. This is not just a teacher issue our current Cluster Manager had to fight tooth and nail to get the villa that was promised to him(fyi). Though I teach in Ruwais I choose to live about 40min away instead of 5min away because I do not want to share my home with people I don't know. I've seen how it causes problems. My recruiter was Ash from TeachAway and the entire staff was wonderful. The prep they did with us was very accurate. This is my last year with ADEC because I've always wanted to teach in Africa so I'm heading there next school year but I did renew my initial contract when it was up and I've friends who are going on their fourth and fifth+ year with ADEC in the '13-'14 school year.
Wow thank u, very informative. Africa that sounds wonderful. From what I was told ill prob. B placed in Al Ain, because I have I have a dependent. Do u drive? If so how much do u pay a month for your car?
flimbric2 wrote:Wow thank u, very informative. Africa that sounds wonderful. From what I was told ill prob. B placed in Al Ain, because I have I have a dependent. Do u drive? If so how much do u pay a month for your car?
Yes I drive. I rent a Toyota Yaris from UCR for 1600dirhams a month. It's easier to rent but cheaper to buy.
Ok..thanks. how about your cell phonr, did u keep your US plan
You can if you like but unless you get an international won't really be able to use it. You can suspend your service if you're under contract but still use the iphone or whatever smartphone you have to connect to the internet. By having can call people in the US without charge.
Ok great info, so we can just bring our phones and get phone service there?
I would say yes. They may have to replace the SIM card. I am going to contact ATT and see if my phone needs to be unlocked to be able to use it by a service company there. On another note, the notification that you recieved from TA telling you about the contract...was it the same one asking for you to upload your authenticated docs? Have you and drmoni already notified your HR about your resignations?
flimbric2 wrote:Ok..thanks. how about your cell phonr, did u keep your US plan
I did not keep my US plan. I am with Etisalat here and you'll want to not sign a contract with them just pay as you go basically. I don't know anyone who has a contract with any cell phone company here, it just turns out to be more expensive. The talkatone is a good suggestion, though I've not heard of it, but I use the MagicJack app on my iPad to call home. If you go with MagicJack just now it's not exactly allowed here but we use it anyway.
Thanks do u use Skype AT all?
flimbric2 wrote:Thanks do u use Skype AT all?
All the time! It's not banned but just have it all downloaded before you get here. So far we've not had to have our VPNs running to use it.
Your info is great thanks. U mentioned u traveled a lot is it with a travel group or do u pick destinations and go?
Oh when does winter break occur?
Hi Guys,
Korbie82, Thank you for all the information and clarification. I do have a question in regards to your new venture...Is that through Teach Away as well? Are you offered similar perks in Africa? Do you have to jump through all the authentication hoops again.
I plan to stay abroad for 10 years (to see education through many lenses), I just want to understand how you transition from one location to another. (you and i will have to stay connected )
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