
school administrators

Last activity 08 August 2013 by egus

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@ Korbie, this may seem like a crazy question but as I pack up my house/clothes etc. did you take any coats/jackets or sweaters with you?  I am unsure as to what their "winter" weather is like and what would be a normal or acceptable type of dress. One more question have you ever went skiing at the indoor facility there?


Oh yeah; I'm down with Benihana too. Wonder if we can get saki without the required liquor license:lol:


Benihana's it is.  I think we should stay on the safe side and get a liquor license....U never know, we could decide to move our "admin" meeting on a regular basis....just a thought.


@ Danelectro congrats on your doctorate.  Yes it seems that Teach Away is working hard on collecting all docs; I hope we get some word from ADEC soon with a contract. I submitted my employment history doc a few weeks ago.


@ danelectro, was your email from ADEC or Ariane at teach away?  it says "he" referenced Al Ain or Al Gharbia...did you speak with some one or was that in the email?


Danelectro, did you already submit your authenticated documents.  When did you interview?  did you get an official offer from ADEC yet?


I'm Phil BTW, Danelectro is a guitar reference which is my passion. To answer flimbric the email was from Jamal Qudah of ADEC HR. I interviewed in Chicago the last week of February. I had submitted all of my authenticated documents to TeachAway (TA)but I think they were too high in resolution so this past week Jamal emailed and said they were intent on putting me on staff but needed to get paperwork going and asked for several of the documents I had already sent to TA. Ariane at TA called just after that and related that this means I'm approved for hiring but I don't have an actual contract offer until I can get them all of their documents. She was the one who stated they had inquired if I was available before August and this last email noted that they wanted to hire asap but the redtape was somewhat out of their hands and takes time.

I think the apartments in Abu Dhabi city are more elaborate and obviously the views from upper floors can be great along with the proximity to the sea so I'm just a little disappointed to hear I won't be there. Also I had been able to ascertain that 120K AED would be a range for the housing allowance in AD City but have no idea what they would be willing to fork over for Al Ain, and it sounds like there isn't much choice when you are stationed in the Western Region. So now I don't have the luxury of looking at housing possibilities online which had been entertaining some of my penned up impatience while waiting this out.


Hi Phil,
Thanks for all of the great info. Are you under contract now? Can you leave before August?  I gave mid june as a start date. I hope we call go before August.


I'm able to leave my job now at any time It is really part-time doing research for the Oklahoma Council for Education Policy, Unfortunately I'm still going to have to figure out a way to get back to the U.S. for a week to 10 days next year to finish my dissertation study.
I would love to leave sooner than later but am being conservative in thinking it might take 6 weeks to go through the red tape. I think I can get my three remaining letters of verification tomorrow and that should wrap up my end of the documentation leaving it up to ADEC.


Phil, thanks for the info, it seems like maybe they are going in order of interview?? I interviewed in early March so maybe egus can chime in and let me know if my theory is correct.  Waiting for the contract from ADEC is nerve wrecking.  Although I have to agree looking at the apartments and villas has been quite entertaining; as well as checking  I hope we can all leave before August; I too gave the earliest possible departure date of mid-June.  Please let us know if you hear anything else.


Just realized I hadn't addressed a couple of questions the 3 of you had posed. First I am traveling alone; I am married with no kids but my wife wants to get more years towards retirement with the State and she has two horses that she wouldn't dream of parting from. Me, no problem, but the horses no way. Actually I lived in Arizona by myself and we did fine. I think modern technology makes a world of difference in considering these adventures. With Skype my wife and I had more face time than we have ever had with our various busy professional schedules.

About the salaries for different admin. jobs I can't imagine that they concern themselves with US limit of 96K or whatever it is. They have a lot of English speaking countries they are working with so I doubt they consider our circumstance, but you do realize going over the limit just means that you start paying taxes on anything above that limit and that will figure in when we get the bonus. I'm not really concerned with the pay issue since it is more than I can make in most cases after the non-taxable issue and accomodations are figured in. I'm just curious as to their rationale.

I've heard conflicting information on the end of contract bonus. I've heard its one months pay for each year of contract but Ariane with TA told me it was something like $14K which would be short of the first figure. I forgot which of you had the contract information but maybe you could give me more details?


Hi gang,

@flimbric...what you say makes sense. I also interviewed in Chicago on Feb. 26th. So if they're going in order of interviews...I would say drmoni and you should recieve your offer very very soon. reading my offer, the verbage is (and I quote)
"End of Service Benefits: One month basic salary for each year of the 1st five years, one and a half months basic salary for each of following five years and two months basic salary for each year after that".

Please note that it doesn't specify the total months only speaks of the basic salary. As the total monetary compensation is divided into two amounts (basic and additional)...the contract reads that one would not recieve the "additional" salary in the bonus. Like you, however, the money isn't the issue as the total compensation is more than adequate in light of no taxes or extraneous deductions being removed. As for the housing...I believe we're also provided with a settlement allownce of 20,000 AED (for furnishings and the whatnot). Pay is distributed on the 25th of each month and, until recently, ADEC would pay the summer months in one lump sum at the end of June (June, July, and August). However, blog buzz from teachers in the UAE claim that this is being ceased and over the summer, people will continue to recieve pay at the regulary scheduled pay day. Apparently many are unhappy because they feel that they won't be able to access their funds if they return to the USA for a visit or embark on a vacation in nearby countries. Not an issue with


That is awesome information. Like yourself and Phil, the salary and bonus are fine. I have no complaints on either. It is nice to know what the numbers are so we can plan our stay and departure accordingly. In regards to the funds being distributed on monthly basis in the summer, that too is ok. What I don't understand is why we wouldn't be able to access funds. From what I gather they have on-line banking, wouldn't it be accessible?


Hi drmoni,

I believe that those questioning the lump sum payment over the monthly pay may be those who have either over extended themselves financially, haven't budgeted wisely, or planned on making a big purchase. I don't think their would be an issue in traveling and accesssing funds in any country. Have you heard anything yet?


Hi Egus,
No, nothing yet...but ANXIOUSLY waiting...We interviewed early March so, hopefully soon. She did tell us that we were cleared through ADEC's and to expect the offer... so its definitely hurry up and wait...

Were you looking to travel while abraod?


I know the anxious feeling. I'm sitting wondering when the e-ticket and itinerary will come (I expect the 6-10 weeks). But I'd rather know Yes, I'd like to travel once I'm there, settled, and figure out what's happening at the school I'll be assigned. Once I hit a comfort zone where I feel I can travel...then it's to somewhere in Europe I'd like to go.


Egus thanks for that information. I hadn't heard of the salary being divided into basic and additional. TA quoted me 14K I think. Does that equal 3X the monthly basic pay? Why is it divided? No mention of allowance for housing? I know there is a vast difference in housing costs in the 3 regions and we haven't heard back from our HOF friend yet.

I got so spoiled looking at the great modern apartments in AD with huge windows that I can't wrap my head around the less glamorous digs in Al Ain or who knows what in Al Gharbia. I might have to completely change the style of furniture I've picked out at IKEA LOL. By the way you can download the IKEA app for abu dhabi and see what they offer and the prices in Dirhams.

Regarding travel I've seen a lot of expats taking advantage of cheap trips to India, Maldives, Sri Lanka Egypt and such and find that appealing. I am under the impression though that we get 30 days vacation and national holidays but not school breaks. Does anyone know any specifics there?


Hi Phil,

I'm not sure what you mean by 14K (usd or aed). Is this a monthly salary. Perhaps because you're a're pay is higher?


Hi Guys,
The academic calendar for next year is available on line. There are a few 4 day weekends that will hopeful allow us to at least spend some time in Dubai. We also get spring break and a break during xmas. For the first few months that we are there, we are going to feel like we are vacationing  while we wont need to go but once we are comfortable and settled, traveling is one of our top priorities.
In regards to accommodations, being single with no dependents (all grown up and going to college), I too like the lavish lifestyle that AD city has to offer. But since my best friend will probably be in Al Ain with my awesome niece...I'll try to stay close to them. I'm just ready, for crying out loud! lets get this show on the road:)


I'm with you drmoni! Lets get the show on the road! Anything?


Sorry I wasn't clear Egus. I had read that the bonus was going to be one month's salary for each of 3 years so my math told me it would be $24,300, but TA told me that the bonus would be $14,000. I wondered if 14k was reflective of the basic salary you were quoted times 3. If that is the case I can see why my original assumption was off; because I didn't know there was a basic plus additional salary. This is sounding a bit too much like a word problem in math. I'm still under the understanding that all positions in administration pay the same.


omg!!!! I just got it!!!


Im still waiting patiently.  Don't have sushi at newly established admin meetings without me.   

drmoni i forgot to ask, did it specify location? or level?


The offer?!!


Yes, im sorry...I was extremely excited, I have received the offer and have regained my composure:)


No, Location and level not specified. Egus, was your two years?


Yes. Two years. Does it say letter of offer at the top?


Was it two pages where you sign the bottom of the second page? First page gives you the benefits...second page just other employment conditions?


Wonder why the CM position requires 3 year contracts with everything else being equal? Just rhetorical. I'm going to have to talk to the union rep LOL. Very happy for you to have that in hand. Hopefully I will get a firm offer soon after sending in my verifications today. Way to go Drmoni


Yes on everything...finally...I can relax and just wait for the plane ticket...of course after flimbrick gets hers...


Breathe...sign it back!


You're turn flimbric!! Check your spam folder?


Thanks Phil. I wish I could send it back right now Egus...It will be the first thing I do when I walk in my office in the morning. Egus, What did you put for a start date?


Mine didn't say a start date. Does yours?


At the bottom of the second page it reads...Declaration.
Then a dashed line for my name and a sentence saying I've read and understood the terms and conditions. Then I had to sign and date it. No area for choosing a start date.


Yes, that is acurate. Im sorry, What I meant was, Teach Away wanted to know our ealiest start date. So we put mid June. I really hope we leave then. That is what I was inquiring about. When is your contract up?
Also, the email said initial the first page and sign the second. I don't see a place to initial, did you just select a random spot, by your name perhaps???


Mine didn't say initial I just had to sign and send back. Apparently different recruitment agencies do things differently. Did they show the breakdown of the salary in a box on the front page? I emailed my recruiter and told him I was available at ADEC's convenience...alluding to before August.


Yes, the break down is there on the first page. Im sure the actual document is the same. In the body of the email is where it said, initial the first page and sign the second one. What did yours say for contract period? It also specifies the bonus...its nice to have that clarified. I want to stay longer than two years...that's my plan at least...


End of 14/15 school year. Two years. Six months probatyionary period at the beginning of work. Did you see the part about you will get a contract upon joining?  Bonus of basic salary for the firs five etc...v


Yes, all the same.

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