
What type of job you can have when u arrive in a foreign country

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That's a good one to start with. I want to ask about work,what kind of work can one engaged in when one gets to foreign country. I have an easy one to do either you have work permit or not. You can even do it in over 156 countries.

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Hi larry4olly,

In almost every country work depends on the kind of visa you have. Remunerated activity of any kind is prohibited in almost every country if you hold a tourist visa. Also, if you can't speak the local language you will find working is almost impossible too, unless of course you are an artisan or artist of some kind and can produce something for sale.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


Hi larry4olly,

A new topic has been created as from your post on the this forum.

All the best,


A good one.  Sometimes a bad one.  Some people have big jobs.  Some people have small jobs.  Some have blue jobs.  Some have red jobs.

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