Why getting married?...........

Why getting married?:D:D:D:D

I couldn't afford a maid. :)

Is not a good idea ha ha

MirianS wrote:

Is not a good idea ha ha

hhahha :D:D:D

I was married for 38 years of my life and do not plan on ever getting Married Again.   

                                David 1946

Vous avez été si malheureux que ça?

have you been unhappy?

I am not happy that my Wife Passed away but now that i am over her death i am enjoying the freedom but i do enjoy a womans company.

"Why getting married?"
Answer: because of this old thing called LOVE !

to get kids ;)

That's right.
Most people get married to have kids.

Does your wife know you wrote this?

mas fred wrote:

I couldn't afford a maid. :)

to confirm to your loved one/your better half that you are his/hers for ever and after.

a part of the truth perhaps?


Tax deductions.

that makes sense

To be  Legal .if  diffrent  Nationality, if both  want to  build Family  .or  they  intend  to live.

HaileyinHongKong wrote:

Tax deductions.

So romantic.

sometimes its just for the green card.

To have a expensive party!!!

its not always expensive though.

mas fred wrote:
HaileyinHongKong wrote:

Tax deductions.

So romantic.

I pay taxes in 2 different countries.  There's no such thing as an American tax exile.  We have to pay no matter where we live.

to protect one's chastity.

o my God, I just learned that I did something confusing for many peoples

Salman Omrani wrote:

to confirm to your loved one/your better half that you are his/hers for ever and after.

a part of the truth perhaps?


you are a lucky fellow, could find a sense on it.

Then dont?

to create a family , I been married 5 years ago divorced now but I am dying to be married again.
lonely feelings kills

When you are in love with someone and want to get a happy ending :)

... so that you don't have to answer the old lady live next door question 'when will you get married?' every time I walk out of my house.:lol:

So that you dont have to do the house work any more..let the wife take over !! :lol:

.... to avoid to be still a virgin....

joyce.ipoh wrote:

Does your wife know you wrote this?

mas fred wrote:

I couldn't afford a maid. :)

You don't think I type for myself when I have a wife doing nothing but a bit of cooking and ironing, do you?

Katie_Le wrote:

When you are in love with someone and want to get a happy ending :)

Happy endings cost extra around here.

alexhunter wrote:

... so that you don't have to answer the old lady live next door question 'when will you get married?' every time I walk out of my house.:lol:

A simpler solution would be to tell them to mind their own business.

Primadonna wrote:

.... to avoid to be still a virgin....

There's a much easier way to solve that problem.  Ask Fred about it.


i see myself and my wife growing old together like that....

except the dementia and the nursing home part of course.

j.echo wrote:


i see myself and my wife growing old together like that....

except the dementia and the nursing home part of course.

I'm quite looking forward to the nursing home bit. I can poo myself and everyone will just assume I'm too old for bowel control, not that I enjoy it and love nurses to clean up my naughty bits.

...........so a friend said to me.

hey, proud nurse here... LOL! no offense taken....

i don't really think you will enjoy it though once you're in a home, maybe a retirement village is better..

-----------why get married? to get more s*x. (Jessica Simpson)

I have only been married for two years , so not a long experience. But I have to say this, being married can be a pain in ass sometimes. however, I have some old friends who are still single and I gotta say , they are very lonely ... so you pick which is best for ya .. personally I would rather to have a company with ups and downs rather than being alone for the rest of my life .

all the best to the rest ;)

Good for you Mustafa.....

mas fred wrote:

I'm quite looking forward to the nursing home bit. I can poo myself and everyone will just assume I'm too old for bowel control, not that I enjoy it and love nurses to clean up my naughty bits.

...........so a friend said to me.

What's your excuse now?

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