New member introduction

hi everyone  lm concertina in athens, been here for 12 years.seen all the ups and downs which have affected us all here,but we try to keep focused and optimistic.l can give plenty of information about buying property here,since troika arrived there are lots of new rules and laws which basically means more headaches and more tax.We recently built a house on the corinthos bay near loutraki.SO MUCH CHECKING is required before anyone should buy here,lots of corruption.They may buy and sell you before you have finished your breakfast.looking forward to participating,  concertina

Hello Concertina.

Welcome to! :)

Do not hesitate to participate on the forum!

Thank you,

@concertina     Concertina, Michele, it's thelma, here, in tucson, arizona.  I can no longer find all your posts and can not remember if, when you moved, you moved to the house you built near loutraki.  I know you are in a smaller town, west of athens, probably a fishing community.

things, around me, here, have sort of gone sideways.  no danger or harm to me!  but it has reinforced the knowledge that I do not belong here. 

my renewed passport will be back from the u s government, sometime soon.  I need to get a lot more serious about traveling and actually, physically, looking for a small, sane, place to live.

I hope you are doing well.  I know the corona laid you low.  and I know that you, like me, has frustration and annoyance that the world we see and the world we hope for so rarely match.

thank you so much for being there when I ask foolish questions.  the, probably most sensible, is who can you recommend in your area that offers small houses to rent?  thank you, thelma scudi

@oldwomanwitch Hello,I shall private message you,good to hear again from you

@concertina I'm so glad you found my note.  yes, the visa is a bureaucratic nightmare and although I seem to have all the information I will need to present myself, in person, to the greek consulate in los angeles.  a nuisance but actually easily doable.  I just assume, from much I've read, that no matter how diligently I prepare the file, each bureaucrat will have his own, pet interpretation of the written rules.  once you understand that most of the nonsense ceases to stick in one's mind.

do you still have the private email addresses for me?  did I send them to you? or am I not remembering who and where I sent them.  anyway, you can try (my name) at outlook dot com and we'll get that straightened out. 

I would like to talk with you, further, about houses, towns, villages, doctors, and the ideas of what we really need versus what we may think we need.  thank you, thelma

@oldwomanwitchI have private messaged you,look at your in - box for will send private message again with my gmail