
Beach in Khobar



See also

Television/Cable Networks in KSAThings to see and to do in Saudi ArabiaBadminton Court in AL Khobar,Camping and off roadingBasketball in dammam/ al khobar

Sheema.b wrote:

I was wondering if anybody knew any nice beaches in khobar?

not a male dominant environment kind of beach :)

so much development on khobar beaches made the area boring, but there is small area with family huts and grass carpet(so much fun in summer when eat cool cool watermelon there) before Marina restaurant near scitech.


why dont to try on HALF MOON :)Better place to chill:cool:


arfasi wrote:

why dont to try on HALF MOON :)Better place to chill:cool:

what cool, so many sandstorms these days you even can't open your mouth, all the sand will enter in your mouth, you speak with crunch crunch.

i saved that comment for you ;)


Mr. sohail please grow up. Because people who have mind will go to beaches when the weather is good not during the sand storm.  So only people with mind can understand this suggestion not the one have empty head. take care and consult doctor soon.


arfasi wrote:

Mr. sohail please grow up. Because people who have mind will go to beaches when the weather is good not during the sand storm.  So only people with mind can understand this suggestion not the one have empty head. take care and consult doctor soon.

you need to learn some ethics, it seems your head is empty, that you take my comment so personnaly.

My Mistake was i was supose to Write that i saved that comment for you to give ( Half moon idea )

but you child mind took it so seriously and responded so quickly without manners, you even didnt thought of asking what i mean ?

any how apologies.


People can see who is having child mind. any ways no need for apologies UNCLE. u have to guide many people still. so take care ALLAH BLESS U AND ALL.


arfasi wrote:

People can see who is having child mind. any ways no need for apologies UNCLE. u have to guide many people still. so take care ALLAH BLESS U AND ALL.

obviously the one will see in next comment what i mean he/she will understand, Dont argue with UNCLE.




The entire Half Moon Bay is full of Beaches having huts (for B.B.Q, night stay etc). You can find lots of families there staying for the whole weekends.

Also there is another Beach, known as Uqair Beach, very far from Khobar, but an interesting Family oriented Place to enjoy the sea-side, B.B.Q and have cool nights in hot summers (yes, the special thing about this Beach is that it is surprisingly cool even in the hot and humid weather of Eastern Region).

Then you may try going to Jubail Beach (Al Fanateer Beach, next to Fanateer Shopping mall). It is also an amazing and beautiful beach, having grassy and sandy land both coexisting next to each other.


Sir a very good suggestion. Hope other people will understand this.


if u want beach ,,,, and not shit like half moon ..... then join on private beach like sunset or Bahar beach ... there u can swim and u can have environment of nice westren ppl there.


How do you join a private beach? Thanks!


ras tanora


If you dont want a male dominant beach then feel free to come to my private beach wink
but make sure you get watermelon!


Atimèlla wrote:

If you dont want a male dominant beach then feel free to come to my private beach wink
but make sure you get watermelon!

haha good one :D


Well there are some nice beaches at a distance. Like one of the fellow members mentioned Ugair, which are not crowded. Other beaches include one near the Qurraya power plant, where you may find it secluded. But ensure your vehicle is in good condition, else it would be a long time that you may find help. Also better, if you have a 4X4. Been there quite a few times and just once did I find another expat group.
Secluded. Safe. And not dominated by human race (male/female)!
Hope it is helpful.


Hi Michael,

First sensible comment I've read on this blog!! Anyway, I've heard that the Sunset Beach in the Half moon bay area have a yearly membership program or at least they did. I've asked a friend who works there to put me in contact with someone concerning that. Add me or drop me a message to my inbox and i'll pass the info on to you once I've received it.
