
How To get a German Pass ,Married To A German Lady For 25 Years Abroad


Hi There ,
My Mum Is German And Lives In Lebanon Sind 1980 With My Dad .
The Question Is Is My Dad Able Or Eligible To Get The German Passport From Overseas Where He Lives Because He Couldn't Get Over The Past Maybe 28 Years And  We All Have German Pass ( Mum And 2 Sons). Could You Please Answer My Question Because This Is Unfair That The Family Has German Passports Expect The Dad

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for GermanyWork visas for GermanyBecoming an ExpatResident VisaA new digital portal to apply for a German visa.

Hello Patrick.

Welcome to! :)

Hope you'll be helped by other members soon.

Thak you,


You have a German passport/nationality by birth from your mother as I understand it.  Your father has no claim to German citizenship so why should he get a German passport?  Why in 28 years could he not go to Germany? 

You normally cannot get citizenship or a passport solely based on marriage, you have to live in that country for 5 years or whatever the country requires, know the language, the laws, integrate in that society and pass and immigration test before you can be naturalized and be issued a passport of that country, unless you acquire citizenship by birth.


He can get a residency visa and work permit if he moves to Germany together with your mum.
After staying for a number of years, he can then apply for citizenship (but has to revoke his other one when the German one is granted).


Hi everybody there and thx for the reply about my topic . very helpfull and thank you so much