
Dual citizenship for Norway- May 1st protest


Hi all,

We are going to protest on 1st of May (International Worker's Day) for the introduction of dual citizenship in Norway.

If you are a foreigner here in Norway, this affects you!!!

Fight for your right to vote in the country where you live!

We are going to protest under the «For fred, velferd og folkestyre. Mot imperialisme, rasisme, krig og terrorisme.»
parade. We are going to gather at Vågsallmenningen at 12.30pm and parade from there.

For more information on dual citizenship in Norway, see the Facebook page!/pages/Dobbelt-statsborgerskap-for-Norge-Dual-Citizenship-for-Norway/374355309338353

For the event itself, see!/events/145721368941113/

I hope as many of you as possible can make it!


See also

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Thanks for this. I have wished for a long time that they would introduce dual citizenship. I seen some discussions in the media on the issue recently. I hope something will happen about this soon. Perhaps with the change in government. Certainly not while Sp is in power.

Good luck,



It's about Norway not allowing you to hold another citizenship in addition to Norwegian citizenship.


Then you shouldn't go to the protest.


I support dual citizenship, and would come, but I'll be away on holiday.

To be honest, I don't think the next government is going to do anything about this.  Last time this issue was brought up, Høgre and Frp voted against, and unless they need Venstre in order to govern (and they won't - they've got KrF), I don't see this being on the agenda at all.  Which is a shame.


One of the papers, or NRK had an article about it. I think with so many foreigners living in Norway, and so many Norwegians living abroad, there will be an increase in demand for dual citizenship. I suspect you are right though sctld. This won't be a pressing issue, and I suspect most Norwegians will be against it. I'm not sure I would actually want Norwegian citizenship, but I would like the option. Being able to vote would be nice. I don't see why voting can't be based on residency. If we pay tax, I think we should be allowed to vote.


One can already vote at local election without the Norwegian nationality. It is as the community level that many important decisions are taken here. When it comes to the dual citizenship; as stated on UDI website and practically speaking, Norway is not very strict on this issue compared to some other countries like the US. … tizenship/