
Re: registering a business

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Hi...can anyone tell me if you have to register a business in Cambodia. I want to open a guest house as a training ground for hospitality....just wondering if I can just set up and start operating or is there a process I have to abide by??/

See also

Visas for CambodiaLaos-Cambodia border crossing and visa info needed!Cambodian Visa's - Essential InformationRetirement visa 2017Help with Partner Visa for partner of Australian citizen

Here is a very detailed answer. .. but in french.  If you don't speak French I can try to translate it for you.



1 : Permis de travail
- Ministere du travail ou ministere de l interieur, un formulaire a remplir, une visite medicale (ou fournissez un certificat medical attestant cos capacites a travailler), 4 photos d identite
Work permit. .. you need 4 pictures, a health certificate attesting that you can work, and a form to fill. ... internal affairs ministry or ministry of labor

2 : Inscription au Ministere du tourisme
- One Window (normalement situe proche de votre mairie)Bail, passeport, 3 photos d identite, copie du passeport et du visa "ordinary aussi appele visa Business", nom du business. formulaire a remplir (en Khmer)
Déclaration to the tourism ministry....  to the one window... usualy near the city hall ... you will need a copy of your passeport,  a copy of your business visa, 3 pictures, the name of your business and another form to fill.

3 : ouverture d un compte en banque   - Passeport, Visa d'au moins 6 mois, licence business et bail, un minimum de dollars a deposer selon les banques
open a bank account.... passeport with at least 6 months business visa, business licence, rental contract and money

4 : embauche de staff --> demander le workbook de votre staff, si il n en a pas, faites en la demande au ministere du travail. Vous y remplirez la date d embauche, le salaire et la date de fin si necessaire
think about asking a workbook for each of your staff. .. can get it in the ministry of labor

5 : Bon courage, ce n est pas toujours facile d avoir un business
Good luck. .. it's not easy to run a business


Sorry for this very bad translation. ... my English is not very good.


Thank you for your reply. It was very helpful, now I know what I have to do. 
Have a great day!


You are welcome. .. sorry again fir this poor translation. :P


Don't apologise, I understood it well.

Have a great day!

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