Hello! Any Filipinos out there in New Delhi?


I am seeking fellow Filipinos residing in New Delhi. I'm a newbie in the place, relocating by 1st June, and I need all the guide and advise I can get.

Please please help me fit in. :-(


Hi Mariaciel,
Welcome aboard ..
Relocating anywhere can be quite nerve wrecking - so asking questions before hand is a good thing so that you know what to expect when you get there.

I've been there for a short trip and from my experience, i noticed the cars on the road would blow their horn ever second. So this is something to notice. Also on the road, notice how the drivers get from A to B. A two lane traffic can turn into 3 lanes at times. Alot of drivers are always in a rush and its first come first serve! :mad:

In terms of the weather, i found it quite hot during the 2nd quarter of the year. Although in the later part of the year it gets cooler. :cool:

Some nice places to visit if you're into sight seeing too ;)

If you can speak the language, then this will help you fit in, although English is spoken there and you can get by. :D

If you are from the Philippines, there will be similarities you can relate to from your country as you are still in the Asia region. Food wise, i personally didnt come across much foreign food, so not sure if you will see much Filipino food :P. Although i heard foreign food is available, i'm not sure it will be up to scratch :/

Generally the place where i was in New Delhi was better than i expected. So try it out and hope you will like it there.
May be others on the forum can give you more of an insight of the country as i was there on a short trip.

May be your fellow Filipinos can add to this forum and let you know. You can click on this link
that may help you.

For better visibility, you can try posting in the New Delhi Forum or unless the moderators can move this topic to the New Delhi Forum - You may get more responses that way. ;)

Best of luck when you relocate. ;)
Jaz :cool:

Topic moved to the New Delhi forum.



hi mariaciel, good to know na you're residing now in new delhi, i'm going there (New Delhi) next month for 3 to 4 days just to attend a conference...I'm just wondering if you ever been to TAJ MAHAL...gusto kong mapuntahan iyon bago ako bumalik dito sa KL...I need somebody to guide me on how to go there safely ha ha ha...


Hi Jun - please note that this post here is a bit old :)


I'll be also visiting Delhi end of March for a short vacation. Meeting Filipinos who live there would be great. Does anyone know if there's an activity or get-together of any sort for the Filipino community there? Thanks.

Hi there, I suggest you get in touch with our Philippine Embassy in New Delhi so they can guide you accordingly. Good luck!!

yup...for any help u can contact me....happy to assist you

Hope you will enjoy Indian company too ............. I am from Delhi

Hope you find Filipinos friends :)

^^ hope you make good friends , oh and do enjoy essence of exploring new place .

There are many living across Delhi and NCR. Just get in touch with the Embassy of Philippines in Delhi and they will get you connected to the community. You will get to meet them in various celebrations of events and festivals. When I was living in Delhi was well connected to all.

Moderated by Christine 9 years ago
Reason : personal contact

i have good circle of Filipinos from USA and in India also, love to help you out.
Love to know more about you.


hi there any help

Hi djerica,

How can we possibly help you please ?

It would be great if you can start a new topic with all your questions on the New Delhi Forum for better interaction :)

Thank you


jerica is here...