Riyadh events 2010

I dont think the hashing refered to by dqresident has anything to do with the vast open agriculture of Afghanistan in the context of the inquiry?

No, but it does refer to something totally innocent (in the rest of the world) but that is kept 'hush-hush' in these parts :cool:

We used to have to write computer code for hashing in order to validate numerics within counting systems in the bad old days

Good point!

Want to know about hashing?

Well, go to the top of your keyboard, to the number 3 key, press the shift key and then hit the 3.




Hello to Riyadh
If you want any information about the Riyadh I can help you



MIDO is organizing a KARAOKE tournament with a special Karaoke System and Speakers in the Palace on Thursday 4 Nov 2010.
tickets are priced at SR 150 per head
Call Mido on 054 065 4335

Do you intend to talk about scientific and technical events too...
or just cultural stuff.

jwilliam wrote:

Do you intend to talk about scientific and technical events too...
or just cultural stuff.

We haven't got a separate list at this stage, so should all go in as long as it is an event that public can attend I would have thought.  Musicman, any plans to sophisicate the list yet?

gowiththeflowUK wrote:
jwilliam wrote:

Do you intend to talk about scientific and technical events too...
or just cultural stuff.

We haven't got a separate list at this stage, so should all go in as long as it is an event that public can attend I would have thought.  Musicman, any plans to sophisicate the list yet?

i dont think we need to have a separate lsits for separate categories, getting to the orignal list first and then trying to categorize would be a good idea.

Hi Alisan,

Thanks for sharing this event with us, now it's my turn to return the favor ;)
There's a comedy show happening here in Riyadh! Yup what a surprise..it happens once or twice a year, which is a great step for this country. Anyway here is the details if anyone is interested, cheers!

From Afghanistan to Yemen and everywhere in between!

With live performances in twelve countries in one month, Smile Productions will be making history once again with a tour featuring comedians from the highly acclaimed documentary movie, Just Like Us, directed by Ahmed Ahmed.

Riyadh will be a major stop on this ground breaking tour since it is where Smile Productions was born and we will be performing at the same venue where it all began back in May 2008.

website: SMILEKSA.com

Tickets on sale now from:

Good Ship Lolipop Store, Tahlia St (opposite Centria Mall) Tel: 01 462 4064
Open 9am-noon and 4pm - 9.30pm

VIP Tickets: SR400
Regular Tickets : SR275
Minimum Age 18

Alisan wrote:

Hi everyone,

I thought that it's a good idea to start a thread about the events taking place in Riyadh, so all the Riyadh expat community are invited to share upcoming events, & preferably by providing all details.

The event that is taking place these days is the Riyadh International Bookfair. For those of you who are interested the bookfair is starting on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 10:00am till
Friday, March 12, 2010 at 9:00pm. It's on King Abdullah st, near Prince Salman center
Click here to see the map: wikimapia.org/#lat=24.751372&lon=46.726313&z=17&l=0&m=b

Any other events in Riyadh, you know about? Let us know :)

Falcon6 wrote:

Hi Alisan,

Thanks for sharing this event with us, now it's my turn to return the favor ;)
There's a comedy show happening here in Riyadh! Yup what a surprise..it happens once or twice a year, which is a great step for this country. Anyway here is the details if anyone is interested, cheers!

From Afghanistan to Yemen and everywhere in between!

With live performances in twelve countries in one month, Smile Productions will be making history once again with a tour featuring comedians from the highly acclaimed documentary movie, Just Like Us, directed by Ahmed Ahmed.

Riyadh will be a major stop on this ground breaking tour since it is where Smile Productions was born and we will be performing at the same venue where it all began back in May 2008.


Tickets on sale now from:

Good Ship Lolipop Store, Tahlia St (opposite Centria Mall) Tel: 01 462 4064
Open 9am-noon and 4pm - 9.30pm

VIP Tickets: SR400
Regular Tickets : SR275
Minimum Age 18

Alisan wrote:

Hi everyone,

I thought that it's a good idea to start a thread about the events taking place in Riyadh, so all the Riyadh expat community are invited to share upcoming events, & preferably by providing all details.

The event that is taking place these days is the Riyadh International Bookfair. For those of you who are interested the bookfair is starting on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 10:00am till
Friday, March 12, 2010 at 9:00pm. It's on King Abdullah st, near Prince Salman center
Click here to see the map: wikimapia.org/#lat=24.751372&lon=46.726313&z=17&l=0&m=b

Any other events in Riyadh, you know about? Let us know :)

commedy show? good one to attend though

who needs to go see a comedy show when we have expat-blog forum here 24X7 ?

Art Design Society is pleased to announce the up  kids Chinese drawing workshop at ADS Gallery

The workshop will be conducted by: the Chinese artist Aishah.

Course Schedule:
4th Nov. 11:00am-1:00pm.

Course Content:  -Draw still life.
-Write Numbers by Chinese and make a painting.
Fees: 200 S.R per class
Age: 6-12 years old (boys and girls)
For booking please send us and email (name,age and phone number)

awatifm1@gmail.com .
Enjoy it :) !!

For you horsy types, add this to your calenday

1 - 4 December, 2010

International Equestrian School, Equestrian Club ,

The Saudi International Show Jumping Championship 2010, in its 7th edition, will be held in preliminary competitions for qualifying for the finals of Show-Jumping World Cup of International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI). It will witness participation of more than 150 riders from the Arabian round.

Equestrian Club of Riyadh
Phone: +966 1 477 3802
Fax: +966 1 476 4485
PO Box 26323, Riyadh, 11486 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Riyadh
E-mail : frusiya@frusiya.com
Website : www.frusiya.com

musicman wrote:

while we do enjoy a good meal at a restaurant in riyadh once in a while i still think we need to think about all those folks who go to bed hungry whenever we are faced with a 250 SR brunch, anywhere on the planet.

i wud find it hard to digest if i was seated in there at the tower on Friday morning....

true, while we can spare and spend this amount, my thinkings will always be with those who cant afford even a 1 RIYAL per each meal. Its not what we can spend, but I guess we need to sensitive on what we can save and spread across.  If we can a get a good helath meal for 10 RIYAL, why to sepnd 250 RIYALS? at the end of the day, we cant eat all the dishes, brunches that hotel offfers and we do waste mostly 85% of the items that will be offered there.

dont think this is greeedinesss, but that what I feel always.

Hi Alisan,

Thanks for sharing this event with us, now it's my turn to return the favor wink
There's a comedy show happening here in Riyadh! Yup what a surprise..it happens once or twice a year, which is a great step for this country. Anyway here is the details if anyone is interested, cheers!

From Afghanistan to Yemen and everywhere in between!

With live performances in twelve countries in one month, Smile Productions will be making history once again with a tour featuring comedians from the highly acclaimed documentary movie, Just Like Us, directed by Ahmed Ahmed.

Riyadh will be a major stop on this ground breaking tour since it is where Smile Productions was born and we will be performing at the same venue where it all began back in May 2008.

website: SMILEKSA.com

Tickets on sale now from:

Good Ship Lolipop Store, Tahlia St (opposite Centria Mall) Tel: 01 462 4064
Open 9am-noon and 4pm - 9.30pm

VIP Tickets: SR400
Regular Tickets : SR275
Minimum Age 18

I warmly recommend this. I was there the last time and it was hilarious. The show started waaay late though, so make sure you're hydrated before you go. :)

They also have a facebook page: look for "Smile Productions". One more thing: no separation of the sexes in the audience! Some ladies even took off their abayas.

Everything in KSA, from simple in-house office meetings, presentations, workshops to comedy shows, start late, always. Its kind of traditional. The only thing missing is the word LATE on the program menu.

musicman wrote:

Everything in KSA, from simple in-house office meetings, presentations, workshops to comedy shows, start late, always. Its kind of traditional. The only thing missing is the word LATE on the program menu.


Think about when you have ever been to an event here that has started on time?

musicman wrote:

Think about when you have ever been to an event here that has started on time?

may be KSA Standard time means LATE by some X minutes. :):o

everything MUST wait
thats the punch line

so much so i don't see the point in being punctual these days...

saft wrote:

so much so i don't see the point in being punctual these days...

Depends on the audience you r dealing with. :cool: I know people who shuts the door on ur face if you r just 5 minutes late. :cool: they doesnt want to listen to the reason behind it and they follow the same to others as well. :)

uvnpsaradhi wrote:
saft wrote:

so much so i don't see the point in being punctual these days...

Depends on the audience you r dealing with. :cool: I know people who shuts the door on ur face if you r just 5 minutes late. :cool: they doesnt want to listen to the reason behind it and they follow the same to others as well. :)

have yet to experience that...so far it's more like...no matter how late i am (I try to keep it to a max of 5 mins), there's someone who's always 15 mins later :rolleyes::lol:

saft wrote:
uvnpsaradhi wrote:
saft wrote:

so much so i don't see the point in being punctual these days...

Depends on the audience you r dealing with. :cool: I know people who shuts the door on ur face if you r just 5 minutes late. :cool: they doesnt want to listen to the reason behind it and they follow the same to others as well. :)

have yet to experience that...so far it's more like...no matter how late i am (I try to keep it to a max of 5 mins), there's someone who's always 15 mins later :rolleyes::lol:

this world is full of mysterious and variety of people, u will cometo know about such people soon...... :|

Most things here start 2 hours after the stated time anyway, most people turn up 2 hous after that :p

I always try to be on time even though I know the event will never start as planned. Its kind of inbuilt in me to be that way, thanks to the old British Colonial (another brick in the wall) education. There have been numerous occasions where I have been the only one at the hall having coffee and donuts chatting with the staff.

musicman wrote:

I always try to be on time even though I know the event will never start as planned. Its kind of inbuilt in me to be that way, thanks to the old British Colonial (another brick in the wall) education. There have been numerous occasions where I have been the only one at the hall having coffee and donuts chatting with the staff.

Good One. Always better be on time than late, you never what you will get. :o

The moment i got to know i m going to be late somewhere,i get panic attacks :rolleyes:

nzpounamu wrote:

For you horsy types, add this to your calenday

1 - 4 December, 2010

International Equestrian School, Equestrian Club ,

The Saudi International Show Jumping Championship 2010, in its 7th edition, will be held in preliminary competitions for qualifying for the finals of Show-Jumping World Cup of International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI). It will witness participation of more than 150 riders from the Arabian round.

Equestrian Club of Riyadh
Phone: +966 1 477 3802
Fax: +966 1 476 4485
PO Box 26323, Riyadh, 11486 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Riyadh
E-mail : frusiya@frusiya.com
Website : www.frusiya.com

i would loveee to see this!
i love horses :)

@ Nonz - you know our chaufer; how we battle to get to places on time. Us 4 are notoriusly late.

Simona L wrote:
nzpounamu wrote:

For you horsy types, add this to your calenday

1 - 4 December, 2010

International Equestrian School, Equestrian Club ,

The Saudi International Show Jumping Championship 2010, in its 7th edition, will be held in preliminary competitions for qualifying for the finals of Show-Jumping World Cup of International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI). It will witness participation of more than 150 riders from the Arabian round.

Equestrian Club of Riyadh
Phone: +966 1 477 3802
Fax: +966 1 476 4485
PO Box 26323, Riyadh, 11486 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Riyadh
E-mail : frusiya@frusiya.com
Website : www.frusiya.com

i would loveee to see this!
i love horses :)

me too...
I love horses and also the people who come to see them ;-)

well, jokes apart, has anyone seen this before?

Shahab,what if horses dont like u? :rolleyes:

he's got the mare, then

musicman wrote:

he's got the mare, then

Then he is lucky....only it mare 're not so demanding :lol:

he should be able to get some tips from Khajuraho?


One of the most popular tourist destinations in India, Khajuraho has the largest group of medieval Hindu temples, famous for their erotic sculpture


musicman wrote:

he should be able to get some tips from Khajuraho?

lols... well i dont have the need to need that ;)

i am soo excited by the standup comedy event!! anyone else seen it before? they are the axis of comedy?evil guys right?