
sick as a chip

david beck

hi all,spent 5 weeks living with my girlfriend out in the counryside near beautiful varberg,now im sad and devastated to say im back in england,the problem being i could not find a job to support myself,any job offered i would have taken,i registered at the local employment office,stuck several adverts in ika and door knocked on local companys,i feel so sad to be back home and i feel like i am losing a grip on my dream.i have the funds to fly back to sweden at any time but now i believe i need to find work at once,if anyone has any information on any work in the halland district were i can get by with a little swedish,could you please inform me,all the best and tack.

See also

Job offers in SwedenInternships in SwedenWork in ÖrebroSetting up a business in SwedenFinding work in Sweden

Hi David,

I have moved your topic on the Sweden forum.

I invite you to post an ad in the jobs in Sweden section.

All the best,

david beck

thank you Christine