
Could be a woman and a man, really friends??...

Last activity 23 July 2013 by sachingoel85

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most of the time, i see one of those end getting in love... i mean, real friendship, with no second intention, u know, to know somebody will come when you need... o ready to listen when you wanna talk. i hope is possible.


Sure, a man and woman can be best friends and nothing else could result from that. It is true that some relationships start out like than and then turn into romances for a number of reasons, however there is a better than average chance that these will fail and guess what? You've just lost your best friend (been there, done that, and didn't like it). So, if it's a friendship and you really value it, it's best to work very hard at keeping it JUST a friendship and leave it at that.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


both r we can not predict.....


Thanks william for ur comment...i really appreciated....
and thanks lukme too..have both a nice weekend


I think that man and woman can be friends when they really want to keep a long time and sustainable frienships. But nowaday, its so hard for us to find a really good friend. I dont care they are woman or man. We are humanities, so we will feel who is friend or much more than that. smile.png

aabie ryan

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Anything is possible. So the simple answer to the question is "Yes". But the circumstances and endurance of the friendship is the X factor. Some people are friends because one of them got stuck in the "friend zone,"...LOL...and doesn't want to be there. And there are other situational reasons, lack of chemistry/attraction, someone's already in a committed relationship, etc. etc. But when you have a close friendship with the opposite gender, a change in circumstances can affect the friendship. I think mixed-gender friendships are best when both maintain "healthy" physical and emotional spaces and acknowledge the male/female dynamics that threaten innocent relationships.


Usually at the start, it's the physical attraction that started the ball rolling. As time goes on, depending on the frequency of interactions, the human emotions and feelings take over. Men are easily attracted to 'things of beauty' and if the women responds and drop hints, it's very easy to reach a danger zone. Somehow, women are also attracted to married men as they will understand females better than bachelors.well, just my 2 cts worth..


That is for God to decide.


Agree totally. But one must also seek wisdom and uphold personal responsibility. Temptations abound and humans are weak. How many will know how to flee when emotions run wild. Hence, must prevent it from occurring in the first place !

Sharoon George

Women and man can be good friend, regardless of having what type of relationship they have. Its always in control of both where to limit their friendship. Well I think the minimum criteria for being friend with opposite sex, is that both should be sensible and reasonable and must think rational as well as emotional.


Definitely, yes!!!


Thank u very much for ur i have more opinions nd a clear idea...i really appreciate ur time of everyone of


Ofcourse, woman and a man can be goodfriends but not very intimate because whether u like It or not ... Eventually one will fall to the other... You might justify and say.. I know some.. But those Some that you know certainly have second intention but they have decided to keep It for friendship's sake


Inherently, men are animals.

They seek all the time, whether it's food, shelter or sex ... in short, although it may be friendship, but at the back of his mind, unlike a woman, a man will always think of the woman is someone he would like to have.

The best way to have a man as a friend is online, without actually meeting him in person EVER ..


ZenAdam wrote:

Inherently, men are animals.

They seek all the time, whether it's food, shelter or sex ... in short, although it may be friendship, but at the back of his mind, unlike a woman, a man will always think of the woman is someone he would like to have.

The best way to have a man as a friend is online, without actually meeting him in person EVER ..


You said as you are not a men. hihi smile.png


All ur comments has something true..every time i learn more..thanks for all the

latngirl001 wrote:

Thank u very much for ur i have more opinions nd a clear idea...i really appreciate ur time of everyone of

If you want even more opinions, you can look at the topic on the exact same subject.

aabie ryan wrote:

for further information,please click


Yes, Its possible.. I do have best best friends without any other intention.


Very possible,
Two of my current best friends are female, not an ounce of romance involved.
If i had to guess as to how we stay friends and nothing more, i think it comes down to the circumstances in which we met.


Yes sometimes


Yes though most friendship later turn out to be relationship even secret lover, it a strong mind to be friends with a lady's without asking for something else lol


I have pondered the question laid out in the OP and come to conclusions.

A man and woman can be friends without any chance of a sexual relationship if:
She's ugly and he doesn't get drunk.


So the original thread is completely abandoned now?

mas fred wrote:

I have pondered the question laid out in the OP and come to conclusions.

A man and woman can be friends without any chance of a sexual relationship if:
She's ugly and he doesn't get drunk.

some men they are just thirsty and although they are not drunk they don't care if she is ugly or not.

I guess that a man and woman can be friends without any chance of a sexual relationship "ONLY" if:

The man doesn't have what he has to have big_smile.png.


dont know in my case i get attracted to her(some) all the times....may be due to phermones

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