
Girl looking for female friends for quality girly time.


My name's Rosie. I moved to Ho Chi  Minh city from Toronto in January, and I'm teaching English here. I plan on being here until the end of November.
I'm getting a little lonely and I miss my girl friends back home. I live with my boyfriend in district 11. Most of the girls around my age (24) either don't speak English very well (not their fault, my vietnamese is pretty rubbish), have babies so they can't go out for a night on the town, or both. If I go out drinking with my boyfriend and his cousins, it's always a bunch of dudes and myself.  Since I'm in district 11 I'm kinda  isolated from the expat community which seems centred around district 1, but I'm totally down to meet up with peeps downtown. (I thought about going to district one and trying to pick up random girls but figured I'd come off as creepy, so I'm posting this instead).

I'm looking for someone to talk to about life/boys/work/books/tv/movies while drinking a cup of coffee/sipping girly cocktails/pounding beers.
I'm looking for someone who likes to go dancing occasionally. I'm not looking to pick up guys, but if you want I can play wingman. ;) maybe we could dance our hearts out at a gay bar for a night and not have to worry about getting hit on ( do they do that here?)
I'm looking for someone to go see movies with or walk around the botanical gardens.
Do you like to knit? I'm not very good, but I've got some needles and yarn. Stitch and bitch?
We could cover our faces in mud at a spa, or even better, cover our faces in mud going camping!

I'm not looking for: a boyfriend, a tour guide, language exchange (but if English isn't your first language, that's cool).

Message me if you think you'd like to be friends :) we can start off slow, maybe get a cup of coffee? Cafe sua da?


See also

Living in Ho Chi Minh City: the expat guideAny events in Ho Chi Minh City?Hey HCMC Expats ! I'm looking for tennis partners in Thao Dien .Vietnam ImportsCan you connect me to a small, quality sewing factory in Vietnam?

Hi I'm Nga . Would love to be your friend . I'm now in district 1 would you like to come for a drink ?


I can't tonight. Maybe Wednesday night? Or Monday or Tuesday after 10:00  (I teach at my house until 9:00)?


Oh.... I only free tonight ,,, since next week I have to work ...!!!!!! Just got a job tonight ....

Hhummmmm.... May be another time....

Anyways I'm here drinking alone la...

Don't wanna pick up boy... Just wanna a female friend to talk with

P/s I'm not a lesbian ha ha ..... Take care ....


Ha ha cool cool. Too bad, maybe next weekend? I usually can't go drinking most week nights but I have the next two weeks off since the school I teach at has summer vacation (still doing tutoring though). Congratulations on the new job!


Thanks Rosie !
Understood you spending your weekends time for your sweetheart ! May be ha ha ha.
Talkative girl can't stay alone anyways ! I can't promise next week .... As my schooling had no summer holidays and I'm fucking shit working next week on duty afternoon and evening too! .....
Will meet you another time then... By the way nice to meet you Rosie !
You can search me on FB ( if u r using ) mine is : naughtyparrot Nga Huynh Thi


Hello Rosie, give me a shout when you need a friend for coffee, movies, dance, cooking or gossip...

Looking forward to hearing from you and other girls here.



Go Leafs?


Let's party... :)


let's have a beer together, (on air) :P


maybe you can try or join 'Expats in Ho Chi Minh City' on Facebook to find some friends?


hey, sorry I haven't replied in a while!

Nice to meet you Kiku and Marina :)

@ Lastintranslation - Go Leafs Go! (we had a hard loss in the game against Boston though, still a little sore after that).

@ Lauryn - Thanks for the tip! I'm actually already on couchsurfing, I finally got around to looking at it last weekend and I went to a boardgame thing this week. I'll check out the facebook group!



p.s. I'll be in Phu Quoc all next week until Saturday evening. Anybody want to hang out the week after?


hey Rosie, let me know if u'd like to hang out for coffee/drinks and girls' talk, food, followed by a foot massage. weekends or weekdays after work is ok with me, but let me know in advance so that i can plan.


Hey Rosie. I am living in Dist 11 too. Let me know if you would like to meet up for a drink or do girls'stuff after work. Cheers!


Hey Rosie, my colleagues and I will go to bar on this Friday.would u like to come? Let me know ^^.


Yes am super bored too without my friends!


Hi Rosie,

I am in District 11. I live in Ward 5, excuse me, which Ward do you stay? You can go to Dam Sen park to experience the Vietnam life style and maybe we can catch up for a coffee if you do not mind. I am interested in the knitted thing you said. Look forward to your response. I can be contacted at 0909194652. My English is okay to talk to you.



Ps.: So far I do not see many foreigners in District 11. You are a seldom/ rare case I think.


Dude, you're my soulmate lol: no, I swear I'm not a creeper.
I'm in Binh Thanh District with my husband (no kids) here another year or so as well. I'm basically in the same boat you are! I'm 24 and find it difficult to make friends here. My husband speaks Vietnamese though so he's having a blast. We're both American English teachers. I'm pretty quiet and reserved, but you sound über outgoing so I think that would bring me out of my shell :P I am in love with dancing, the environment, and cheese.
Only one setback....I don't drive. Lets be honest, it's a jungle out there and it scares me. :/ maybe someday.

Anyways! Just message me if you're still looking for a buddy :)
