
Kiwi moving to czech


Hello I am a New Zealander planning on moving to czech republic in a few months . My partner is Czech and we are having a baby at the end of the year. My question is HELP !!! haha  obviously i dont speak fluent czech. My profession is Woodworking/Furnituremaking but currently employed in the wine industry.anybody out there that can help ???

See also

Working in PragueThe work culture in PragueThe labour market in PragueWork in the Czech RepublicInternship in the Czech Republic

Hi krazedkiwi,

Welcome to expat-blog!

For the language you can take courses, or simply language exchange, I suggest you to post an advert in the Prague Classified Section, this might help.

For work, i invite you to post an advert in the Jobs in Prague, with details of your skills and qualification. Hope these might help.




Does your partner have any contacts? Also I think you should have a few Czech lessons with your partner before you arrive. And if you don't have an EU passport, and are not married, don't expect you will be automatically given residency. Also the job market is pretty tight over here, don't expect that you will be employed in your trade when a Czech or EU citizen will be employed first... It might be better for you to move to south Moravia, the Czech Republic's main wine producing area and see if you can get work there in one of the vineyards.

