
If you won a million in cash what would you do??.......

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Invest it for my children.


I would firstly pay off all outstanding amounts...hse/car loans etc and invest it for the kids


I'd help some family members who really need it.
Next I'd buy some toys for my wife and me and take a couple of trips that have been on our wish list.


Buy a house for my brother.


I would pay off outstandings, invest some for kids future and help those who need help.....


When I have that million then my dream come true:

building several small houses for the orphans and take care for them.


A million is for education of my small sister and for my investment.:D


Primadonna wrote:

When I have that million then my dream come true:

building several small houses for the orphans and take care for them.

You know.....that's a really cool idea. To give a home for such a cause would be a blessing!

i will look for you, to give you a wonderful time, evacuate all the  people of Kuala Lumpur, for enough space for our wedding reception. All the presidents in attendance. All the princes are my men in suite and all the queens your bridal train. A one month blissful honey moon in the space.
let me remember more

julianaa wrote:

i will look for you, to give you a wonderful time, evacuate all the  people of Kuala Lumpur, for enough space for our wedding reception. All the presidents in attendance. All the princes are my men in suite and all the queens your bridal train. A one month blissful honey moon in the space.
let me remember more

My....OH....MY...... evacuate the whole of KL?? queens my bridal train....?? OH MY GOD.....My heart can't take it.... :sleep:P

we have to also increase the money to accommodate all these if you wouldn't mind.

Gary wrote:

we have to also increase the money to accommodate all these if you wouldn't mind.

We? Nope, that's your job! :lol:


Gary wrote: wrote:

we have to also increase the money to accommodate all these if you wouldn't mind.

We? Nope, that's your job! :lol:

Why thank you kind sir....for coming to my rescue. Marine needs this badly..... :dumbom:  LOL


I would tell my boss what I really think of him.
Since half a million is enough to life my life without salary after that, I'll probably donate the other half.

[Moderated: Post was off topic.]


beppi wrote:

I would tell my boss what I really think of him.

If that's the way you feel it's time to get another job!


Gary wrote:

If that's the way you feel it's time to get another job!

No, it's manageable. I like the job, the other colleagues and the money. Also, he mostly ignores me as much as I ignore him.


First I would fly to Bali and get my sick friend out of there and fly back to Cairo and pay for a operation for his Cancer instead of him having to wait until 21 July before he fly's out, I would leave enough money for him and his kids to have a nice life ...

Next I would open a rehab centre for drug addicts and homeless people ,in my home town here in the Uk we have nothing for these people ,and they have nothing to dream about. The nearest centre is some 10 miles away and is difficult to get there a rehab centre would be the first think I would buy here and pay for staff to run the place..

For myself !! I don't need much in life I have all I need. I would give my kids the money to have better life ..

May all your dreams come true ..


A million what?  Indonesian rupiah?  I would pay the phone bill.


Pay more taxes.


If you have enough money, you know how to avoid taxes.


Actually in this case you would at least have to pay capital gains.

Avoiding taxes is really just a matter of having an expert and filing the proper paperwork.

Lottery winnings taxes can not really be avoided.

Legally that is.

HaileyinHongKong wrote:

If you have enough money, you know how to avoid taxes.


No one said this was a lottery.  Under such vague circumstances, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to avoid taxes.


That is a fair point.

However there are laws about Casino winnings and large cash gifts.

All are taxed.

I do imagine you are right, if someone does not want to do something they do have the choice to ..

"Take the Money and Run!"

"Go on, take the money and run"

I can't remember who did that song.

HaileyinHongKong wrote:

No one said this was a lottery.  Under such vague circumstances, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to avoid taxes.


Steve Miller.



Thanks Hailey.:)

HaileyinHongKong wrote:

Steve Miller.


This one is better


50% would go to my family and relatives and 50% for worthy causes around the world..Orphanages, care homes, medical research...etc :)


I'm a worthy cause and we might be related if you go back far enough.


The question fails to mention something, a million what?

A million Zimbabwe dollars would buy not a lot.
A million Indonesia Rupiah would get you an evening out at a bar, with a meal included, if you didn't go too wild.
I'm led to understand, you could afford a fairly expensive prostitute but you've have to skip the meal and beer.

A million US dollars would depend on where you lived.
In America, you'd have a serious party for a while but it'd run out pretty quickly.
In Indonesia, you could live for years without worry.


It's a million chickpeas, obviously.

coming to Hong Kong
soon how do i meet you


Fred's not in Hong Kong, but if you have a million dollars, I'm sure he'd make an exception.


Pay off debts. Buy a house with a spare room i can turn into a craft room, then go on shopping spree at my work :D.
Right now with all the new stock we have, i have spent my months wage .


full time vacation!


its still not enough to buy a mesrati in saudi arabia :P


What is a "mesrati"???


I think hamzaali meant Maserati  - if so, its a slick and expensive sports looking car :D

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