
Missing Father

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Amanda machine

My friends father came to Gambia on a one way ticket and has not returned to the UK.
We just want to know he is safe and even if he does not want to be contacted as his daughter is going through hell worrying.
As far as we know he is safe and well there, though we need information.
His name is Maxwell Bindi. He could have possible returned to Sierre Leone on his passport,


Sorry to hear. Will pray he is found. God bless.


Hello Amanda and welcome to!

Oh that's intriguing! But do you have ample information, about where is he staying or any phone number?
If you don't have any of his news, maybe you can try to post an advert in the Gambia classifieds > Missing people section for instance.
And,did he mentioned that he will go to Sierre Leonne?

> Kramn: Thank you for your support :)



Please let me know if there has been any developments on this front. I may be able to assist you in getting started. Thanks.