
Job situation in Utrecht: any info or advice?


Hi there. I'm moving to Utrecht from Italy in one or two months and I'll need a job, once I'll get there. I have a masters degree in law and I'm going to attend a LL.M. at the local University next year, then I'm lookin' for a job of any kind, I just need something to do for these months and, if possible, even later, while studyin'.
How about the employment situation for foreigners up there in Utrecht? Any advice in general? Thank you all very much for your help. Cheers


See also

Working in UtrechtWorking in the NetherlandsStarting a business in the NetherlandsWorking in the Netherlands as a digital nomadInternships in the Netherlands

For example:

-is it better to move there first and then begin looking for a job, or move there after you have found something from here?

-is it a major problem, in Utrecht, not speaking dutch? (I speak English fluently, and Italian, of course)

Claude Anne

It is a good idea to move during the summer, much nicer picture to arrive en enjoy your first steps in Holland, than the middle of the winter.
Anyway, it seems to me that you should move en look for a job in person once you are there.
I am french and didnt speak dutch when I arrived. It was not a problem, you can find small jobs in restaurants and cafes without speaking dutch. Also in cleaning, but less fun, in ly opinion.
There is a very nice youth hostel to stay in Utrecht when you arrive, called Strowis. Same price as others, but very nice alternative hostel in the center, connected to ACU, ex-squatt and now associative cafe-concert-eating place. Punky.


Thank you so much for your advices and for all the infos, Claude Anne, you've been very helpful :)
I'm immediately checkin' that hostel's website. I'd like to move as soon as possible and begin lookin' for a small job and a room (talkin' 'bout rooms for rent, do you suggest to start the search once I'll be there as for the job?).

Claude Anne

Oh, and I can also give a couple of names of restaurants employing foreign people, if you like. I dont know what you are looking for, but at the beginning of july, they are usually hiring workers.


Oh, that would be so great! Thank you so much! :))))


Hi Claude, you had a very insightful reply so I was wondering if you would answer my question because I'm in the same part time job-searching boat.

I'm quite new to job searching, and when you mean "searching in person" do you mean that you simply go into a cafe/shop and ask if they have any jobs available? And do you need to carry anything with you for that?


Claude Anne


Yes, that's what I mean, going into the restaurants and cafes and ask. It is often good to start by asking if the person in charge of the recrutment/manager is there and if you could be introduced, because you are looking for a job. And then anyway, to the manager or not, you ask wether they need someone or if there is something available and sell yourself to the person they let you talk to.

It can be good to have a CV (with a picture) with you, not that they will really look at it, but if they need someone a few days or weeks later for any reason, they will have somewhere a paper with a picture, a name and a phone, that they can use to remember and contact you.

I hope this is helping, good luck,
