
New Language

Last activity 30 June 2013 by HaileyinHongKong

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Is it a high time that we all spoke one language to communicate with one another


We do in a way... English is widely spoken wink.png


There are more languages spoken and understood in the world.Why cant we have just one new language which is not offensive to anyone


Why would a language be offensive, or better yet - how would a language be offensive? It's not the language itself that is offensive, but rather the context of what we say that offends. I speak English, French and Portuguese, but I can not only say things that offend people in all of those; I can say a few offensive phrases in others that I don't speak.

The idea of a "universal" language has been around for a long time, it has never gotten off the ground because a little thing called culture keeps getting in the way. The language a population speaks is a very big part of WHO they are. It helps make them who they are. I have a cousin in Canada who is a Doctor of Languages (university professor) and he reads, writes and speaks 26 different languages fluently. I learned through him just how our language influences our culture.

One thing that makes humans amazing is their differences. I couldn't imagine the thrill of seeing the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids or Amazon rainforest with some tour guide babbling away in Esperanto, it just wouldn't be the same. I think we should celebrate our differences, not try to erase them.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


The cross culture is great.But time has arrived to create or have a One language world to face the future


One of the greatest facts about this world is its variety and diversity.
By having only one language, some of this would be destroyed.
Thus I am strongly opposed to the idea.

For me, it is enough to have English as second language to be the(almost universally accepted) language for world communication.


We need one language to communicate and maybe at a later time become one nation


Stop dreaming and come back to this world!


Stop dreaming and come back to this world!

lol.png  - well said! wink.png


Why cant we have just one new language which is not offensive to anyone

@Friendlymax - I don't think English is offensive.. smile.png


Without support of the people of this world it will never work.

Wikipedia wrote:

2004: The Europe - Democracy - Esperanto party (E°D°E°) contests the European Parliament elections in France, on a platform of making Esperanto the second language of all EU member states, taking 0.15% of the vote.

Who really wants to learn a new language?

Do you speak German in Berlin, Friendlymax?


Body language is universal gloria.png


Body language is universal gloria.png

Sign language too tongue.png or is it the same thing? big_smile.png


Their is a difference between a dreamer and a visionary


I vote for Chinese.  You can all learn that, right?


Of course Hailey, when I am fluent in Arabic then I go for the Chinese. Which you want to recommend: Mandarin or Cantonese?


no such language is offensive, they say "tongue is mightier than the sword," its a joke is'nt? lol.png

Friendlymax wrote:

Their is a difference between a dreamer and a visionary

That's quite correct Friendlymax a dreamer spend his time and energy imagining things that could never possibly happen; while a visionary thinks of things that are possible and may happen one day in the future.

I must agree with Jazzy, you're definitely in the first category. As long as we have three people in the same place you're never going to have 100% agreement on anythiing 100% of the time. So you will never see ONE universal language by consensus and who is going to want to learn a language if it is imposed on them? One government? Same story and in order for it to work there has to be one universal language, which is an idea that's been around since the beginning of tima and has never worked before. There is absolutely no indication that it ever will.

Nothing wrong with dreaming, just don't let it get in the way of real life OK.

William James Woodward

Gordon Barlow
Friendlymax wrote:

We need one language to communicate and maybe at a later time become one nation

God forbid we should ever become one nation! Please tell me you don't work for the US government; a world empire is exactly what they seem to be striving for.

Primadonna wrote:

Of course Hailey, when I am fluent in Arabic then I go for the Chinese. Which you want to recommend: Mandarin or Cantonese?

If there's only one language, then it's all Chinese.

MannyLQ wrote:

no such language is offensive, they say "tongue is mightier than the sword," its a joke is'nt? lol.png

Who says that?  A sword can easily cut out a tongue.

Gordon Barlow wrote:

God forbid we should ever become one nation! Please tell me you don't work for the US government; a world empire is exactly what they seem to be striving for.

The United States does not want a world empire.  We simply want everyone to bend to our will and do our bidding.


The world is too diverse with so many different cultures and languages that it would be impossible to have a one language world.

Many fiercely independent peoples populate the world who see no need for another language and who would see the idea of someone teaching them a second language as an invasion of their privacy.

How would, say, a Dinka tribesman in South Sudan learn another language when there are no teaching facilities for him to attend.
He leads a simple uncluttered life tending cattle and has no need of another language.   

I cannot see a Muslim being told to learn another language the same as a Christian being told.

There is a language called Esperanto which was meant to be easy for all to learn but you never hear about it these days.

We are too culturally diverse and independent for this one language idea to happen.

Gordon Barlow
stumpy wrote:

I cannot see a Muslim being told to learn another language the same as a Christian being told.

Many Muslims already speak a second language (Arabic), though not necessarily fluently, besides their native languages. So they have a head start on much of the rest of the world.

But you knew that, Stumpy!


The new world language should be Gibberish.  It's already very popular online.


Yes many people have a second language but were never forced to learn it.


I have one word for you - Esperanto.

This failed stupidity was an attempt to create a world language when there was no need for one.
By the late nineteenth century, about a third of the world either spoke English as a first or second language so there was no point unless you hated the use of English.
Even worse, minority groups are trying to do a King Cnut and turn the tide.


idk imo teh internets iz alrdy cre8ing a nw lnge

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