
Interested in driving to Mexico


I thought I had read that if you ship things into Belize you would pay taxes on it. Not sure though...

I'm interested in driving to Mexico. I'd love to drive to the south end of South America... Wanted to do this as long as I can remember.  I realize crossing Panama would be an issue.

Is is still considered as dangerous to travel Mexico? I wonder if this new president is doing anything to clean things up with all the drugs - as it seems, based on previous comments, that that is what creates the danger.

Would appreciate any advice available - Thanks!

See also

Leisure activities in MexicoEating out in Mexico CitySports in Mexico CityThings to do in Mexico City alone, with family and friends or with a partnerThings to do on weekdays in Mexico City

Hello bananaz.

A new thread has been created from your message on the Mexico forum for more visibility, as the other one was from 2011.

Hope that you'll get more precisions here.

Thanks and best of luck.

Karen :)


I have a driver who has both Belizan and US passports/citizenship.  He knows where to drive and how.  when to sleep.  where to sleep.  also about the mordita.  He is multilingual.   I have heard and read conflicting stories about auto travel through Mexico.  If I were to do this, I would hire my driver to do what he does, just get through as fast as possible.  No sight seeing.  I can give you his number if you send me a private message.  Mexico has the very real issue of both the cops & the robbers extorting gringos.


It has never been dangerous to drive in Mexico. Drive during the daylight hours and on well-traveled roads or on the toll roads. Tourists are not a major target. Thousands drive from the border to the Mexican interior every day. I would be very cautious driving through Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.