Looking for english speaking young couples!!!

Hi all! :)
My name is Inga and I have just moved to Lille as my boyfriend is  French-from Lille. I'm 19 and he'll be 24 in August.
He has a full time job so we had long-distance relationship for a year but finally I was able to move here to be with him.
I am looking for a job but it's not as easy as I thought it would be as my french needs impovement.
I am looking for any English speakers that came from any part of the world to Lille that would like to meet up for a chat, museum visit or walk in the park. Also I/we would love to get to know other young couples and maybe even go on double dates.
  OK I'm finished phew! Please get in touch! I don't bite :)

Hello IngaS and welcome to Expat.com :)

Thank you for your introducton.

- Could you please specify, in which sector you're seeking for a job?

- This is the Lille expat network. Hope you can get in touch
with some english speakers and who knows perhaps with some couples too.

Thanks and best of luck

Karen :)

cool,,,best way u did to find friends and get job here in france...all the best..

Hello Inga
My name is kelcie, i am Australian and my boyfriend is french. We live in Camblain Chatelain an hr away from lille. We met in Australia, we lived there for a yr then decided to move to france. My boyfriend and i both speak english very well. If ur interested in meeting please reply.