
Looking for job in Bahrain

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I have 4 years of experience in finance industry as Corporate Trainer and holding senior profile in one of the leading MNC. Now I am looking for better opportunity to explore new corporate challenges. Can anyone assist me to find decent job in Bahrain.

I don’t have any friend or relatives staying in Bahrain. My only guides will be you all guys. So please help me to bang it.



I'm sorry but we really can't help you on here as we are just people who live in Bahrain trying to help newcomers feel welcome and give advice.

Your best bet is to google "employment in Bahrain" and read the guide on the front page of the forum (it lists employment agencies)

Good Luck


Hello Royalsyed.

Welcome to the forum! :)

The Jobs in Bahrain section could help. You should post an advert there.

Thank you,

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