
Spanish reverted muslim family


Hello from Spain,
We are a spanish muslim family wioshing to live in Oman for some time to learn Arabic and arabic traditions.

We are looking for a job as we can pay our expenses in Oman, anyone knows jobs vacancies for spanish teachers or similar?

Thank you very much,

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Good to see your post. You can visit the website of Ministry of Education where they list all the vacancies. Also you can search for international schools in Muscat and drop them your CV's. Most of schools are hiring nowadays so its the best time to apply.


Welcome to Oman

wish you a good stay

can you please contact me for more details

all the best


Hi Amira!
I see your post back 2015, my fiancée is also spanish speaker and I am planning to move to Muscat because I found a job opportunity and he has some concern regarding what to do specially when any of us speak Arabic.

If you have any advise or idea it would be more that appreciate
