Moving soon!
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Hey Guys
Hope you are all well and enjoying the heat... After all the anticipation of getting a job in Riyadh and leaving the UK, we will be soon arriving in Riyadh by the end of the week.. I will be starting work at KFSH and my wife will be working as a primary school teacher...Am looking forward to moving and starting a new life in Riyadh. I know we can pretty much get anything in Riyadh as what's in the UK, ut wanted to get your help on. These few things:
1) TV - is there any chance of getting Sky here? Or something similar.
2) Mobile phones.
3) Broadband at home.
Please advise on how you can get these few necessities..
Hmmm.. there IS one thing here that all the Brits go crazy because they can't find it. Something-mite?
Marmite! I hate that's stuff so that's ok... Lol.. I think I'll miss cheese the most!
Oh yes, and marmite! I guess vegemite is the Australian stuff.
There's plenty of good cheese here, Adam. There is a Carrefour where you can get good cheese as well as a chain called LuLu, that has a great variety of imported foods, including cheese. And there's the old standby: Tamimi.
You'll be okay!
Oh, and there are different cable TV packages that will have everything you want. Check it out: … n-ksa.html
If you use the 'Google Custom Search' box (upper right), you'll be able to find threads on everything you're asking about.
Welcome to the sandbox!
Thanks for the info Alliecat.. My agent in the UK hasn't really given me much info for shops and what they may or may not have. It'll be an interesting experience.. Do you live in a compound? Are there general convenience stores and restaurants in the compounds as we will be arriving late in the day and was worried when we'd do our first proper food shop
You're arriving during Ramadan so stores aren't open during the day; they open after 9PM. There are plenty of cabs available to take you where you want to go and most of the cabbies speak a modicum of English (and sometimes more!).
You don't mention your compound but I'm sure it will have a mini-mart that will have enough to get you through a day or two (and your compound may even have a restaurant).
Thanks Alliecat. My agent hasn't been too helpful re accommodation and still hasn't told me where I will be staying, all I know is that someone from the hospital will pick me and my wife up from the airport and take us to our accomodation, he mentioned that 'no one had ever complained about the accomodation' are both Muslims so am comfortable re shopping in Ramadan..
Wow... you really threw caution to the wind, didn't you? I hope it works out for you, where you'll be living (because where you live can make or break you, seriously).
In a weird way I kind of trust them as I know the hospital is big and reputable, I do hope it's ok though and I'll let you know how it's your compound like?
If you are going to work for KFSH I would guess you will be in the compound. I would guess they would have all the modern stuff hooked up. (when we lived there they had their own channel, and cable TV service)
1) TV - is there any chance of getting Sky here? Or something similar.
You can get what most people get. OSN, which has over a thousand channels, and you can choose your packages. I'm not sure about Sky, because I don't know it.
2) Mobile phones.
Ask and you shall receive. We are crazy about our cell phones, and we tend to keep up to date on them around here. The prices might be a bit higher here.
3) Broadband at home.
There are 3 Internet providers to choose from. The people at the compound will help you set it up.
Thanks ahelpfulsaudi! That's really helpful information.. A lot of people have told me KFSH will have good accommodation but just worried as I haven't sent any pics or even know where I'm staying yet, I'm banking on the fact that there are a big organisation..
Thanks Alliecat..check yours lol
You can get Marmite in Tamimi or Carrefour (there look near the bakers yeast)
As to Sky, I know people in the UAE who get a Sky package back home, then subscribe to the Online component of it, move over to the ME and then use a VPN to show on the surface they are in the UK and watch online. An expensive option, but you may see it as a necessary evil. Crossed fingers you're getting enough bandwidth through whichever ISP you go with out here, as oversubscription is a constant pressure for streaming.
The one thing I miss when I come back here, is BBC iPlayer. There are ways to get around the geographical restrictions, but nothing straight forward and reliable. Maybe I am not trying too hard.
1) As someone metioned above, there is a similiar network to Sky called OSN (Orbit Satellite Network), but none of the Sky-channels. But close enough. Since you are living in a compound, there is a chance that your compound might have it's own television network with all the essential channels, that is free for anyone within the compound. Just plug-n-play. Like in the UK, don't expect much online television experience here.
2)We are crazy about mobile phones, but data plans are slightly on the more expensive side, than the UK. I'd suggest not getting into the whole 12-month contract BS, instead ditch out money on a phone up front. Or if you already have a smart phone that you use in the UK, make sure it's unlocked before you arrive, so that you can simply insert any SIM card and start using it straight away.
There are three mobile operators in Saudi (STC, Mobily and Zain). I'd suggest going with Mobily as they tend to have better deals and reliable service than the other two. But like always, your mileage may vary.
For starters, I'd recommend going with a pre-paid plan. Get it from the airport as soon as you arrive, but check with your company rep (at the airport) if they have arranged for a company connection already.
3) Since you are living in a compound, there might already be a broadband network within your compound that you subscribe to. Best to check with your neighbours. Also a good way to break the ice
It's great that you and your wife, both, have jobs lined-up even before you arrive. Usually the spouse suffers from boredom while the significant-other makes the $$$s.
Thanks beakersful and hishmaj for all the advice, it's all very much appreciated. Only a few days left and I'll be sitting in sunny Riyadh! Btw do we need iqamas to purchase broadband, tv and mobile contracts?
Adam55 wrote:Thanks beakersful and hishmaj for all the advice, it's all very much appreciated. Only a few days left and I'll be sitting in sunny Riyadh! Btw do we need iqamas to purchase broadband, tv and mobile contracts?
Yes, you need your ID (Iqama) for broadband and mobile. Not sure about TV. Which is why I suggested ggetting your mobile connection from the airport as soon as you arrive, as the airport can work around it (they did, in Jeddah). But you definitely need your iqama if you go to any branch in any non-airport branch.
I'm assuming that would be a prepaid sim? Not a postpaid one
Adam55 wrote:I'm assuming that would be a prepaid sim? Not a postpaid one
I am not sure if there is a difference, during registration.
Adam55 wrote:Thanks ahelpfulsaudi! That's really helpful information.. A lot of people have told me KFSH will have good accommodation but just worried as I haven't sent any pics or even know where I'm staying yet, I'm banking on the fact that there are a big organisation..
Well I really don't know how to properly explain it other than the hospital and compound are connected, which makes commuting easy.
When you get to the hospital there is Tamimi, balling, all kinds of table games, and I think there is still a Kudu and Kon zone. Also the "Algahr" park is a very nice place (last I've been there is 98)
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