
Recommended Immunizations?


My family and I are coming to the DR to live at the end of August. We have two children: ages 5 and 7. I've looked at the USA Center for Disease Control recommended list of extra immunizations for the DR, and I am wondering if they are really necessary or if there is a place to get the shots in the DR.  Typhoid, Malaria, and Hep A were listed.


See also

The healthcare system in the Dominican RepublicPregnancy in the Dominican RepublicAccidents and emergencies in the Dominican RepublicLooking for U.S. Federal Employees that have retired in the DRMAPFRE Salud
Bob K

Where are you moving to?
For most of the country Malaria precautions are not necessary.
However everyone should have Hep A and B, tetanus, and the kids should be up to date on their immunizations.  I am sure there are places to get most of those here but I would do it back in the US or in Santiago or Santo Domingo.

Bob K


We are landing in Santiago. If all goes as planned, we'll be staying in the village of  Rio de San Juan. Otherwise, we may be in the Baharona area.

I do have their immunizations up to date. I know I've had Hep A and Tetanus. I'll double check their records.



Sounds like you are good.  And welcome to the forum!!!