
Places to visit in Grand-Bassam



For the ones living in Grand-Bassam, what would you suggest to discover the region?

When you have friends or family visiting you, where do you go with them? What are the must-see places in Grand-Bassam, the tourist sites?

How to visit the region in an original way? Any unusual or unknown place to recommend?

What would you suggest for a couple of days of for a week of holidays in Grand-Bassam?

Thank you in advance for participating ;)


See also

Leisure in Ivory CoastThings to do in Grand-Bassam during the weekendsLooking to rent a room in Grand BassamI am currently looking for apartments to rent

bonjour,oui Bassam est une ville magnifique et il y a beaucoup à visiter du coter de la vielle ville(classée UNESCO)il y a aussi un musé assez intéressent,un très belle hôtel,le nsa hôtel(le long de la route bonoua /abidjan) et la croix du sud sur la plage de bassam,mais aussi de petits logements pas trop chers..j'ai loger dans une cour juste a coter du nsa chez un russe,et la location pour 1 mois étais de 50.000 frcfa :+ou- 76 euros..mais pas de clim,donc il fait vous de plus ample renseignement,j'ai un page facebook avec beaucoup de photos.tom pouce...bien à vous


Hi descornet!

As this is the anglophone forum could you please post in English so that everyone can understand the infos you provided?


Mimi kone

well, mmm... When i visited, i stayed at a hotel called "Etoile du Sud" i would rate it 3 stars out of 5.
It's right on the beach, which i loved very much. Morning jogs were AWESOME lol.The staff are friendly and very attentive and several staff members speak English, since at the time when i visited  my French was very limited. :) The room i was in was Wonderful, there were many times i didn't even have to put the air conditioner on, the Atlantic Ocean breeze is amazing. The food was good too, and i notice the food prices here are lower than the ones in abidjan. so yeah Bassam is mainly know for it's beaches, there was no other place there that was interesting lol. oh at night you would here loud songs of the ocean, which really helped with my sleep. :)