Hi all,
I will be moving to BDS in 10 days time and trying to find a solution to a telecommunication problem. I wish to keep my Canadian cell phone number active, as it is also my business number. However, I do not wish to pay the outrageous fees Rogers charges for receiving calls while abroad. I have thought so far of two solutions, though I am not sure how to implement them.
1) Port my current number to a VOIP service provider that has coverage in BDS. Anyone aware of one, other than Skype?
2) Create a virtual phone number with the likes of Virtufon, using the same area code as my current number (514). Calls to that number would be forwarded to Skype directly. Subscribe to "call forwarding" with Rogers, having the calls forwarded to the new "local" number. Take the calls on my Bajan cell phone. Questions: will call forwarding by Rogers work towards a virtual number? Is it cost efficient to take calls through Skype on a cell phone in BDS?
Thanks very much and enjoy the rest of your day!