Dental costs
I'm getting some dental work done here in the Philippines before heading back to the States in October. What I don't finish up here, I will probably get done in Quito.
I just had three fillings done for 1500 pesos (about $35). What is the comparable price there?
I will probably need a couple crowns as well. I don't have a price quote on that yet (I'm seeing the dentist again Thursday), but for comparative purposes, what would it cost me in Ecuador?
I'm kicking myself now that I didn't get started on this a couple months ago so I'd have it all done by now. About the only thing I do on time is procrastinate.
LOL...My dentist normally charges me $30 per filling...I don't know about crown etc...fortunately not required one till now. In general, Philippines should be cheaper than Ecuador.
Bob, you are in luck, I broke my tooth. Ate some hard candy darn it. So I went to my Dentist last night here in Bahia. I needed a root canal, 3 xrays both done. Two more appointments for Molding Crown and then installing Crown, both next week. Total Price for all $370.00 This is a metal Crown, covered by Porcelain. To remove all my old metal fillings and replace with porcelain for safety reasons. Old metal fillings have Mercury in them (dangerous) and the spaces between the metal and teeth let stuff in. He also said that the old metal type can sap your strength and make you lethargic. Who would have known? $20 to $40 each depending on size, mostly $20. In US for Root Canal and Crown, plus xrays at least $1500 to $2000. Likely much more. So there is some info. on Dental charges here in EC. Hope this helps.
Living It and Loving It here in Bahia, Ecuador.
Thanks, Sam and Charlie. So it looks like dental prices in Ecuador might be just a bit higher than Philippine prices, but still quite low, from my point of view.
I was trying to decide whether to hurry things up to get it all done here, but it looks like the difference isn't enough to worry about.
Hi Bob...yes, I think that should be OK. The quality of medical care is quite acceptable here, though not as good as the US and Europe, but certainly not as bad as to be a cause of major concern. The costs, on the other hand, are just a fraction of what you would pay in US and Europe.
Not to be argumentative, but I don't agree with your assessment that the medical care in Ecuador is not up to par with the US. I can't speak to Europe from personal experience.
But, my experience here has been fantastic. I walked into a hospital with no history in the country. All that was asked of me was to look at a copy of my passport. I couldn't speak a word of the language of the country. Yet, with in 15 minutes of walking in, I was on a specialist's table, being examined, whom could speak my language. I was then checked in immediately after the consult.
Can you imagine a Mexican walking into the hospital in the US and getting treated like that? Or, finding a Spanish speaking Dr.?
The medical care I received was the best I've ever experienced. I saw my physician 8 times in a 24 hour period. I had a sonogram that was performed by a Dr., not a technician. I had an endoscopy that involved my specialist and an anesthesiologist, whom was also a full Dr.
My primary physician gave me his personal cell number, and told me to call him anytime of the day or night. Oh, and any recurrence of my illness would be treated under the original fees I paid already.
I have spoken to many ex pats here in Cuenca that have had major surgeries, and to a person, they all have claimed they got the best treatment they've ever had. Most of these Dr.s are US trained, and most have practiced in the states.
Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative, maybe you've reason for your belief, just adding my view so those that those interested in health care get a chance to hear another side.
Stay Well,
Hey Zen, good to know you were satisfied. Unfortunately, my personal experience has not been so good and I have struggled to find a good Oculo-plastics specialist...seems there are none here and I will shortly travel to Germany for an eye surgery...experiences can vary from individuals and mine have been a wee bit below what I have had in US and I said somewhere else get what you pay for, and I think that goes for Medical care as i find many medical practices that would be standard in US are ignored here...a doctor had a needle in my eye and was trying to answer his mobile and I had to tell him either remove that needle or stop talking!
An update: I will be getting a crown done next week (metal with porcelain over the metal -- sounds similar to what Charlie described). It will cost 6000 pesos, all inclusive -- about $135-$140.
Most estimates in the US seem to be at least $1000, and often much higher.
WOW...that IS Cheap! It seems I spoke too soon about not needing crown! I broke a root canal treated tooth at gum level yesterday and now need a dental implant. Following is the estimate I received today in Quito: X-ray (Panoramic)= $18. First sitting with surgeon to take measurements etc for the implants. Second sitting for insertion of the implant over one hour surgical procedure = $80. After 3 months, the crown (exactly as described in the post above)= $350. Miscellaneous costs for medications etc. So all inclusive, it will cost me between $500 to 600 over 3 months if there are no complications.
Of course I can choose to go the Post-and-crown route. But even that will cost me at least $400 and will have an estimated life of 5 to 8 years...the implant will, hopefully, be lifelong.
So happy to hear that you found a provider that you are happy with. and that he/ she will satisfy your needs. Pretty cool, huh?
Best Wishes,
Lol...i really have different ideas about "satisfying my needs", but thanks, yes, she seems to be a good dentist and has a good reputation. is more on Ecuador medical care...after giving me cost estimates, the doctor would not give me an I went to her office and as I was waiting for her, saw a file with my name on it on the I opened to read...and saw correspondence there between the doctor and her supplier where she was requesting him to supply "The old type implants", instead of the the "Root Form Endosseous" that are now used as a standard all over the world. I know from my research already that the success rate of these old types was low. Which was the reason industry moved to "Root Form" implants...and here was a doctor specifically trying to find the old form so that she could give me something cheap that would have a low success rate and even lower life, with not a care in the world of the inconvenience and discomfort that would cause to me....A bit more research...the correct type of implants cost $500 - 600 even in Ecuador (and not$80)...and then on further inquiry it emerged that the doctor did not have an electric drill and planned to drill into my jaw with a manual drill. She also did not have any surgical stents or guides to correctly place the implants, but kept assuring me that she is experienced to do a good job without these things...
Well, you get what you pay for! I shifted to a different dental clinic...the estimate now is $1200 for one implant...still a fraction of what one would pay in the US but a far cry from $600 told to me earlier...but this one is trained and worked 10 years in the US, has an electric drill, surgical stents, 3D Xray....the works...hopefully things will go well...will update you after 3 months on how they worked out...
Just goes to show how you can take nothing at face value need to ask, and ask, and ask, and research, and ask some more! They will keep telling you whatever they think you want to hear...not a care in the world if it is true or not, and what inconvenience it will cause to you...cultural aspect...need to tolerate and keep your cool if you have to live here...fortunately, I can finish my contract and be gone, but if you are here for keeps, better be sure this aspect does not bug you so much as to make your life hell!
As someone else had earlier commented, Ecuador is not for you if you have a Type A personality!

I hear what you say about having to be vigilant about this kinda stuff ...
I'm one of those Type A's and look at this as a mixed blessing ... I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities to get uptight but hope to ignore 90% of them because as a wise man/guy once said ...
Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff ...
Carlos aka "ElGringoBueno"
PS Thanks for "filling" us in ...
Thanks guys...well, I got the surgery done yesterday. Was good...totally painless and although I am used to high end military hospitals, I must say I was impressed by standards of hygiene. He took about 20 minutes to remove the dead root and then about 40 more to insert the two implants that I needed. Exactly one hour from the injection, I was out of the chair and receiving advice on future care. The X-ray provided after the implant looks exactly like what I have been seeing on Google search, so I guess the job has been done well. Now it is up to my body and I need to wait for 2 - 3 months to see if my body will accept the implants and the bone will grow around them to give a good enough grip. What that happens, they can be loaded with the crowns. I paid him 1500 yesterday (includes cleaning, root removal and two implants) and need to pay 900 after 3 months or so when we load the implants with the crowns.
Glad it went well, Sam -- sounds like a pretty big-time procedure. Luckily I've have nothing more serious than a crown done here, and (thus far) don't have anything big on the horizon.
Well, believe me brother, you are lucky! Even this "Painless" procedure pains like hell when the anesthesia wears off! But for a bottle of whiskey, I wouldn't have survived that night!!!
Got the stitches removed today and now feel almost human again...3 months before I know more...
Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery Sam. Dental issues can be just a drag.
Best Wishes Amigo,
Ps. sounds like Dr. Jack Daniels helped a bit, huh?
LOL...Thanks Neil...yes, Dr. Daniels never fails!!!

The 3 Wise Men ...
* Jack Daniels
* Johnny Walker
* Jim Beam
They never disappoint!
Carlos aka "ElGringoBueno"
PS That Wild Turkey is no slouch either ...
Try the Finnish supported eye care center in Quito
Several years ago I had a crown done in Otavalo for US$140 my California dentist said would cost $1100 there. On return visit he said it looked like very good work and commented that he had seen good work from Latin American in general.
Hi, I am going to a dentist in Bahai de Caraquez my crown broke, so i am getting a new crown done on March 5.
She makes the crown herself . Cost is 150 .
I noticed that the wandering had posted a dentist he used in Baha'i . Did his crown do well?
Does he know this dentist Dr. Didene Barea, if so is she good?
Little worried about her making the crown but at least I don't have to wait for it.
Thanks so much
Toots 57,
I am in San Clemente and broke my tooth yesterday, can you let me know about dentist in Bahia, telephone number?

I paid $70 for a cleaning and fixing 2 small cavities last year in Quito.
Hello everyone,
I would like to suggest you if you can please recommend the dentists you proposed on the Ecuador business directory so that it can be helpful for other members..
Thank you
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