
Marriage outside of Abu Dhabi and US


Hi, I'm a US citizen and my fiance is a UAE resident. We want to marry and live there since he has a very good job. We don't want to live in the US and fear it'd be to hard for him to acquire a tourist visa to US since he is from Pakistan. He can get me a residence visa in Abu Dhabi, but only after we are married. Does anyone know a country we can marry in that the UAE will recognize?

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Hi JudithNolan,

Welcome to expat-blog!

I suggest you to get in touch with the closest US Embassy or Pakistani Embassy , where they might guide you through the steps to follow. :)

Best wishes,


thunder manuscript

JudithNolan wrote:

Hi, I'm a US citizen and my fiance is a UAE resident. We want to marry and live there since he has a very good job. We don't want to live in the US and fear it'd be to hard for him to acquire a tourist visa to US since he is from Pakistan. He can get me a residence visa in Abu Dhabi, but only after we are married. Does anyone know a country we can marry in that the UAE will recognize?

hi JudithNolan,
i am new in this blog, but seems you have similar problem with me, i hope you already solved your problem :)
if not, i guest you can come to Dubai and get married there. after that your husband will apply UAE resident for you. i am planning to move to Dubai too after married with Indian man who live in Dubai. I hope our marriage can be done succesfully this Spetember 2014 :)


Thank you for you kind reply. We haven't gotten married yet. We both have to have a residence visa in Abu Dhabi to marry there. I think only one of you have to have one in Dubai. How I wish his job was in Dubai. Anyway, I guess we'll be waiting a while for him a US visa or me a job there... or go to South Africa. :)

If anyone has a suggestion, I would really appreciate it.

Can he marry in Dubai with a residents visa in Abu Dhabi?

Suggestions on how to get a job there? I have a business A level degree.

thunder manuscript

JudithNolan wrote:

Thank you for you kind reply. We haven't gotten married yet. We both have to have a residence visa in Abu Dhabi to marry there. I think only one of you have to have one in Dubai. How I wish his job was in Dubai. Anyway, I guess we'll be waiting a while for him a US visa or me a job there... or go to South Africa. :)

If anyone has a suggestion, I would really appreciate it.

Can he marry in Dubai with a residents visa in Abu Dhabi?

Suggestions on how to get a job there? I have a business A level degree.

i guess Dubai is a part of Abu Dhabi, so Dubai rules are follow Abu Dhabi rules. Yes you can married there (Abu Dhabi) with your fiancee residence, ask you fiance to try contact your embassy in Abu Dhabi :) About a job, as far as i know, you can more easy to get job when you moved there and holding permit residence from your husband (compare while you still stay in missisipi) :)