Making contact!

Hi guys - as you might know, Canadians are the friendliest people on the planet!
Yes, they really are. Mind you, I can only speak about the Lower Mainland's folks here in B.C...
The secret is: You have to put yourself out there! Go and knock on your neighbours door, invite them over, go and network, go out! Nobody knows you have arrived if you aren't making the announcement!

Hi extraordinaryexpat,

Welcome to expat-blog!

Thank you for the tips, may be a short introduction about you? :)

Thank you,


Hello extraordinaryexpat,

On behalf of the entire Expat-blog Team, welcome on board. I hope your experience on the forums will be both enjoyable and informative. I'm sure you'll make lots of friends here.

As a Canadian and Lower Mainland resident during the last 28 years in Canada before I moved to Brazil eleven years ago I can only agree whole heartedly with your observations. Canadians (especially British Columbians) are really the greatest. This is why I love Brazil so much because the people in this country are just the same.... BCers are warm, open and approachable. It's easy to make friends, you just have to make the first step and you'll see. You will get back from everyone around you exactly what you put out. Just give it a whirl, strike up a conversation, give a friendly hello to somebody you don't know and you'll see. My rule of thumb was that if I couldn't meet three new people and make friends every day then I'd start examining myself to find out what was wrong WITH ME.

I miss the Maple Ridge area very much, while I lived in Richmond I spent almost every summer weekend wilderness camping on the eastern shore (Mt. Crickmer side) of Alouette Lake. Whenever I need some peaceful thought I go back to that place in my mind.  Cheers,
  William James Woodward – Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team

Hi guys,
here it is, a short and sweet intro:
We left Europe for the sake of adventure and to show our three boys a new way of life. For 12 years we lived in Holland (very crowded and expensive!, before that in London(still crowded and expensive!), in Sydney (not so crowded), on the Fiji Islands and Florida. Who says Germans don't immigrate? Bratwurst and Sauerkraut can be found anywhere - just kidding! The biggest shock for us upon arrival? The prices for Beer and Prosecco! What happened to the crate for eight (!!!) Euro? Oh well, I don't drink anyway - just saying! Otherwise, we love it here!

Hi guys, is anyone mobile and athletic enough to go for a full spin around the Seawall / Stanley Park on their inline skates? Pl. leave me a message!

Hi William, thanks for making contact!
I like your philosophy on making contact! I will apply this to my own family! Thanks!
Funny enough, we just went to Steveston yesterday- I am not a big fan of their beach - what beach?- like the fisher boats though!

Actually it's a proven fact that Minnesotans are the friendliest people in the world.