
Savings in london


I have been offered a 45000 GBP p.a job. I have 2 kids and my spouse will not be working. Will there be an sort of savings post the taxes.

See also

Tax in the United KingdomIncome Tax & Cost of livingWhat's the TAX rates in London, UK?Residency and TaxTransnational last will

45k is a really good start,
U can work ur way up in UK, just get the experience u need !

If u dnt pay tax and get caught 'big trouble'
Tax is the best thing, after all, we get all the benefts, of medical free, hospital free, studying free etc !

Regards.. Sarah


with children you are likely to  need a 3 bed house with garden to rent - a good subarb and low rent in north, south, west could cost £1200pcm.
Are your children eligible for state schools? if not it gets very expensive and this is when 45k  does not do as much.
food expense - supermarket - can be £100 per week
electric+gas (£100 per month?), water (£25 per month?), phone/broadband line (£25permonth?), mobile phone £25 per month?), need a car? cost of petrol.


hope this helps you with some of your evaluation