
Civil Engineering Construction Jobs


Dear Forum users,

I am an Irish Expat currently working in both Muscat and Dubai and would like to move to maritius, however finding a job is prooving difficult.

I am 29 years old with 6 years construction exp and if anybody can tell me the best way to find a job there.

Also if ppl who work in this industry can tell m what the expected salary would be this would also be helpful.

I am assuming there are many ongoing construction projects thus there must also be oppurtunities available.

Thanking you kindly in advance

See also

Job offers in MauritiusWork in MauritiusSetting up a business in MauritiusWork contracts in MauritiusInternships in Mauritius

Hi Catgor,

Welcome on the Mauritius forum.
If you are working in the Gulf Region, do not expect to find a job in Mauritius with salary + package equivalent as the one you are certainly earning in Dubai/Muscat right now.

Under the new regulations, employers should pay 75.000 Roupies per month which is about 9.000 UAE Dhs! (before it was as minimum of 30.000 Roupies)

Having to shift from 30.000 Rs to 75.000 Rs will probably scare most employers here in Mauritius to offer jobs to expats.

(Don't misunderstand me: I don't want to scare you off, but just want to inform you of the realities here).

However there is a big project, constructing the new airport in Mauritus but I don't now as yet who is the contractor!

Qua road construction projects, they are mostly in the hands of Colas (French contractor) but I must say that I have never seen an expat on the works!

As for other construction projects such as hotels or shopping malls etc. I don't have any connection or information unfortunately.

However I know from a very reliable source that Besix in Dubai have a real heavy load of projects going on in Dubai, maybe you could try with them if you want a change of employer!

All the best for your future


Thank you for a quick reply....

Unfortunatly I left the Besix company last year during the recession and dont know about approaching them

Can you tell me the current exchange rate for British pounds so I can understand the costs of living in Maritius??


Hi again,

1 £ = 5,408 Rs (at Banque des Mascareignes today)

Re: Besix, of course all depends how you left them (in good terms or not) otherwise I don't think it should be a problem. They are apparently really in need of people.
