Troubles with landlord.

I recently got an internship in Marsaskala, and found a new place to live in Msida. I liked the place, which is brand new, and after having signed the contract, I was expecting things to work out nicely. My agent seemed perhaps a but worried, and I should have taken that as a sign, but he did at no point try to warn me about anything, and I expect things to work out just fine.

Turns out I was anything but right. The moving day comes, and my landlord tells me that the place isn't done yet, but he has another place for me, that I could use. I assumed it was temporary, as we had signed the contract, and I didn't expect anything to go wrong. The other place he had for me wasn't quite done either, but I suck it up, as it's only temporary, and I expect to be able to move into the place. I signed for soon. I ask him when it will be possible to move into the other place, and he tells ne that he has rented it out, and asks casually if he hadn't told me that. I tell him that I am not okay with that, since we signed a contract, to which he informs me that since he hasn't given me a copy of the contract yet, I have no ground to stand on, and if I wish to do so, I can take him to court. I contact my agent, who is at a complete loss for words, since he has never had any troubles with the guy before, and never has experienced anything like this before. While I am on the phone, the landlord basically stands and yells at me, saying all sorts of racial slurs, and expects me to be happy with him refusing to live up to the agreement we had.

Right now I am pretty much lost as to what I should do. I've had bad landlords before, but nothing like this, and was wondering if anyone had any advice. I don't feel safe leaving stuff behind when I go to work, and don't know what to expect anymore. Does anyone have any advice?

Pay no more money. Find somewhere else and walk out.
Keep a record of all events.

redmik wrote:

Pay no more money. Find somewhere else and walk out.
Keep a record of all events.

Also if you are paying in cash keep a record and once you have moved send a letter to the tax office with details of him and his properties. You can also ask the agent for a refund on their share of the deposit if they are not helping (tell them its called after sales service).



Byron will be along in a minute with a petition you can sign.

Hi Notbunny,

the way I see it is that you did one good thing. That is get the appartment through an agent and also paid for his service.

So it is up to the agent to sort things out for you. You yourself can't do much except insist on the original apartment or move out.

Keep records of events and you can consider the tax office. But I would wait several months on that to make sure that his appartments are actually occupied. You only really know that he took your cash . But if he took your cash without declaring it the chances are he does the same with others.



according to an inquiry that my mum has recently looked into. If you do not ask for a fiscle receipt, then you are just as liable as the landlord and it should be reported straight away.

coxf0001 wrote:


according to an inquiry that my mum has recently looked into. If you do not ask for a fiscle receipt, then you are just as liable as the landlord and it should be reported straight away.

i have heard that this is often used as a defence whether it is true or not i am not sure but it appears to be used to scare people ..... but saying that I KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAS HAD THIS USED AGAINST THEM.... recently

sadly there are too many of these unscrupulous people about - onthe upside not every landlord is like this.

Go back to the agent and demand that they sort this out - after all they took your fee for their service..... they have a moral responsibility as well as a legal one.