


With the advertisement backin the Uk from British Telecom with the strap line - 'it's good to talk'! I have a simple question.

What is the best method of communication with people back at home?

Some my age will have iPhones/iPads so Face time is good!
Older generations I am trying to get broadband for- SKYPE?

However there is whattsapp  -what ever that is and others I am sure!

Any others that have come in useful that I should look into whilst still in the UK and before I depart for Bahrain! Any good phone packages?


See also

Phones and Internet in BahrainPending sims billsbest internet service in manama BahrainWhatsapp calls barredGet SIM on arrival

Well, you can use all Skype and What'sApp and Viber and all chabang. None of them are blocked here in Bahrain and they work perfectly. I guess it all depends on the preference of the person back at home and you simply use whatever they choose.

There are many different broadband packages here in Bahrain, from Batelco to VIVA to Menatelecom. I use and recommend VIVA because of its portability (works on a 3G network) and speed. But others also work quite well. Just stay away from Zain.

Let me know if you need any other information about the broadband packages in Bahrain.


I use all the above listed by Brightonguy. Plus I paid £40 and bought a skype package which gives me unlimited calls to UK landlines. Good for calling banks, parents and friends home numbers etc. That way the people at home only really need their landline. You can also purchase a UK skype number for £11 a quarter which means you can register this number on your credit cards, bank accounts etc and give it to all your friends. If they have 600 free minutes on their mobiles then they can call your skype number and chat to you for free.

If you buy the call subscription first I think you get a discounted rate on the skype number but double check as I can't remember which one I bought first as it was over a year ago now.


Have you looked at WebEx?

It is a prodcut from Cisco and the free version allows you to connect up to 3 computers.  Only one person needs to have an account the others are asked to join an video conference and do so by clicking a link on an email!


Lurking and learning!!  Left Bahrain 31 years ago, so a LOT of changes!!