Mexican looking for Mexicans and/or a job
I am looking for any Mexican living and working in Iceland. I need an advice in moving to Iceland. Thanks in advance.
See also
moving to Iceland as a Mexican will require a visa. You can see more information on how that works on the Icelandic immigration website here:
Los mexicanos no necesitan visa para viajar a Islandia como turistas o en viajes de negocios si su estancia es igual o menor a 90 días en 6 meses. Como turista usted tiene el derecho de permanecer un máximo de 90 días (tres meses) cada 6 meses en Islandia o en la región Schengen.
Kalos, can you please post in English on this anglophone forum? There's a separate Spanish forum if you prefer:
Mexicans do not need visa to travel to Iceland as tourists or on business trips if your stay is less than or equal to 90 days within 6 months.As a tourist you have the right to stay up to 90 days (three months) every 6 months in Iceland or the Schengen region.