ALQWAIFILCLINIC in duhrat albadeia

i just got hired by alqwaifilclinic in duhrat albadeia. ive been reaserachingthe place and the clinic but still havent had a very silod info. if there any here in the forum who can help info or pics if your familiar withe place please do.. thanks

hey is it in Saudi? i would love to help :)

make sure u spell the name right because i couldn't figure it out, also in which city?

i found one in Riyadh called alqwaifil medical center probably it is, i found its number and address unfortunately no more info i would love to check it out for you by visit it but i am living in Dammam :(

oh thanks a lot maybe i can google it .can i have ther add streetname nd numbr in my inbox they might get angry f we post it here