Somebody answer me

is there any minimum age for a guy to get family visa in saudi. Because many tell me that only after 28yrs a guy will be eligible to get family visa ! Is it true

"Please" would have been nice. Your request is pretty imperious.

Check the Saudi embassy website from your home country.  First, determine which visa you are talking about.  There is a "Family Visit" visa and there is also a "Residence Visa" that is for spouses and dependents.

The only age limitation is the one on the Residence Visa (according the KSA embassy website in Washington, D.C.) and that age is 18 for the male.

I did the research you could have done.  A little work on your part would have answered your question.

i think she is talking about resident visa...
there is nothing as such as age for getting a visa. it only depends on the guy's profession!

s im talking about resident visa only. many say its hard to get family visa. my fiance's profession in iqama is mechanical technician but he is working as sales engineer in saudi. is it possible for him to get family visa next year

Do some research on your part also. It is very simple for your fiancee' to collect all these details. As he works there, he may be very familiar with the rules & regulations there (one should be!)..

rekha, go to this site:

Click on Consular Services, then click on Requirements for Family Visits or Residency Visas

Print the application, satisfy all requirements...and voila, you're done.

Imagine how easy this would have been for you to do yourself.

Your request is pretty imperious

Request?  I'd call that a demand!

I was trying to be polite. :lol:


no limits .. just provide documents of marriage to authorities & apply for visa

thanks for u information folks. as u said it was so simple in that website
