
looking for "reasonable" compounds in riyadh :)


Hola people
We are looking for "reasonable" compounds in riyadh - not crazy expensive , 'coz we will be paying out of our own pockets for it :)
we can do 60K-70K a year - area doesnt matter, yet .... 
please let me know if anything like this is available here
Thanks :)
PS: I've heard of akaria/akariya compound is good - anyone have any reviews? How do we contact the place 'coz they have no website! :O
Thanks all

See also

Real estate listingsCompounds in RiyadhBuying property in RiyadhLiving on a Western Compound in RiyadhChoosing your neighbourhood in Riyadh
Alliecat … iyadh.html

kailashparmar … iyadh.html … di-arabia/

Try above links



Thank you so much for the helpful links :) I've been thru those and most of them dont answer calls or respond to emails...
will have to keep trying i guess
but thanks so much again! much appreciated! :)


wpshotton wrote:

Thank you so much for the helpful links :) I've been thru those and most of them dont answer calls or respond to emails...
will have to keep trying i guess
but thanks so much again! much appreciated! :)

Yeah, the thing is, you have to physically go to these compounds and speak with the managers.  Keep going back.  Be persistent.  Get on a list.  Try to make some kind of 'connection.'
I've never heard anybody speak of slipping the top guy a few bucks, but as corruption is everywhere, it could be effective!

Unfortunately, it's the way it's done here (law of supply and demand) and while it is nerve-racking, it usually works out in the end.

Best of luck!


wpshotton wrote:

Thank you so much for the helpful links :) I've been thru those and most of them dont answer calls or respond to emails...
will have to keep trying i guess
but thanks so much again! much appreciated! :)

Try this link … Itemid=194 it contains website address too, hopefully you will be able to connect with them



Thank you so much alliecat & max - really appreciate all your help!
I guess I have found my new project to keep me occupied for the next few months...& something new to nag my husband with - bwhahahah - am lovin' it! :D
thanks so much again!