
Good Portuguese Teacher in SP?



I am looking/hoping to learn portuguese soon, and well!

Does anyone know a good portuguese teacher??  And, what is a reasonable price?

I would think a 1:1 or a very small class would be ideal.


See also

Study in BrazilHow affordable is studying at USP (São Paulo) for Brazilians?International or Private English medium schools in Sao Carlos, SPschools- details about primary schools in the state of Sao carlosSchools in Sao Paulo
Bella Smith

Hey Cathy,
I know a very good one, actually 2, Estela and Kelly. They work together teaching portuguese in SP.
Give them a call; 963139966 (Kelly)or (981737747).
They are great, specially with the prices ;).
See ya,


Hi Cathy,

Please feel free to post an advert in the Classified in Sao Paulo section: Language classes in São Paulo, this might surely help. :)

Thank you,



My name is Marcos, and I`ve been teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language for 5 years in SP. Should you be interested call me on: 11 9 9999-2915. Thanks


Hi Marcos,

I invite you to place a (free) ad in our Classifieds section. It will get better exposure there and it will remain current there, unlike here in the forum where it will continue to move toward the back pages as new topics are posted.  Cheers,
  William James Woodward – Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team

Josephine horii

Hi there im josephine just got here 2 mnths ago if you like to study poruguese you can call catia she has all sort of teaher that can cater your needs and with reasonable price which means you can negoitiate with her. [Moderated: send details in private pls]
Good luck


Does anyone know if there are groups who either pay for Portuguese group classes,
or informal ex-pat groups that get together to shoot the breeze in wildly flawed Portuguese. If so, then I am interested.

Josephine horii

[Moderated: post in the Sao Paulo classes classifieds section please]


[Moderated: pls post in the Language Exchange in São Paulo section]

Josephine horii

Thats nice i loved that i am an english teacher i would loved to. I can teach you enlisg and o teach me portuguese  le me know ow to contact you then